
Does Antarctica have an offical flag and national anthem?

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Does Antarctica have an offical flag and national anthem? And what is the offical human population of Antarctica? If you can send me website links to these that'd be cool. Thanks for whoever answers this for me!




  1. No , it does not have either, and the population is zero, thats why it has no laws or anything.  It has been agreed upon by all the major countries of the earth that it would remain open and free and not claimed by anyone, the people who are there are not citizens and are only there temporarily.

  2. population - about 4,000 on scientific bases in the short summer 1,000 total in winter, around 25,000 summer tourists - and this place is 1.4 x bigger than the USA! There are NO permanent residents and NO native population. they have their own currency (no idea what you can buy with it though) the Antarctican dollar. Antarctica has no official flag as it is not a nation nor is it ruled by a single government or body. I assume for the same reason there is no national anthem.

  3. I don't think antarctica is a country itself. Different parts are owned by different countries.

    According to wiki there are 1000 non permanent residents probably scientists.

  4. Antartica is not a country and therefore doesnt have a flag/anthem.  no one lives permanently in antartica - scienties and geologists only go there for research / assignments


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