
Does Anybody Know A Way To Get In Shape For Volleyball?

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Volleyball Starts In Januaray And I Really Want To Get In Bettter Shape.So does anybody have any ideas?

Pleaze And Thank You





  1. For volleyball it's a good idea to do the following exercises:

    1. 20 pushups everyday... after a couple of days, try and increase this number to 25, this will improve your arm muscles for serving and spiking

    2. 50 situps everday, also trying to increase number every couple of days.  Having a strong core will coordinate and improve your movement.

    3. Wall jumps, do 3 repetitions of 20.  Trying to reach as high as you can on the wall.  This will improve your vertical leap.

    4. squats... do about 3 repetitions of 30.  This will improve your quad muscles making it easier to get to the ball

    5. jump rope- do 4 repetitions of 50 jumps, or try to jump rope for 2 straight minutes.  This will improve your footwork so you can get to the ball very fast on defense.

    hope this helped you out!

  2. Laure C has a really good workout you should follow.  Just remember, you are trying to increase your reflex muscles so do everything very quickly with minimal breaks in between and light weights if you decide to use any

  3. Um.

    If you want to get in shape.

    Try doing wall sits for at least 3 minutes, twice take a break in between.

    Run 2-3 miles at least once a day.

    If you have stairs run up and down them, to get fast feet work.

    Do the normal drills which are:

    Crab Walk,


    Bear Craw,


    Bunny Hops,


    Try to go where you have a door and jump up and hit the top rim and do that about 50 times. It helps you for when you are spiking.

    Do 30 push-ups.

    Do 30 Jumping Jacks.

    Do 2 sets of 20 sit ups,add more each day.

    Do 2 sets of 25 crunches, add more each day.

    Get down squatting and go back and forth through a room to get faster feet.

    Get something that is heavy that would make you work for a little while and start to lift them in front of you and above your shoulders, to the floor, and back up.

    Do about 20-40 of these 3 times a day.

    Hope it helps.

    Good luck.

    If you don't get something or need some more help please feel free to send me a message.

  4. im going to go with good old fashion running...try three or four miles each day followed by some suicides..yes they suck i know...probably working on spikes and blocking would be good..without a ball just to get the veritical up ..umm...wall jumps are amazing too and wall sits, also just playing  pick ep games..i dont know wherever you are if they have them..but yea...

  5. do about a15 min run everyday..then work on your spikes, after that do about 20 push-ups, then lift weights (depending on age if you're thirteen you should lift about 7-10lbs.)

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