
Does Anyone Believe in the 11:11pm Wish Thing?

by  |  earlier

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Do you make a wish, or is it just a time on the clock to you? If you do wish, what do you wish for?




  1. never heard of it

  2. if you are going to wish on something and think it means anything, picking a cute time on the clock is as good as anything else.

  3. No. I wish at 9:36, 3:22, 12:47, 42:46, 0:31, and of course, 4:20.

  4. We haven't been using a 24 hour clock forever. Also, some people have suggested moving to a 10 hour decimal clock.

    Kind puts the 11:11 thing into perspective, doesn't it? Numbers are just numbers, nothing special happens only because some numbers happen to be same at a given time. Should I make a wish every time I drive my car at 111 km/h?

  5. I dont believe it but sometimes I do it for poops and giggles.

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