
Does Anyone Else Find These "What kind of black girls do you like?" Questions A Bit Pathetic?

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i mean at first i kind of understood : people getting into the idea of interracial relationships! im a black girl and ive been dating outside my race since like forever and i think its great that people are becoming more open to the idea. not everyone of course.

however its becoming a bit pathetic in my eyes for black girls to actually be trying to fit a certain profile acceptable to the white community. thats so degrading! the answers that ive seen are also appalling. obviously there are lots of ignorant people on here who actually believe you can act a certain race. these are culturally deprived morons whose advice isnt worth ****.

basically if you click with someone then thats it. im 18 and ive dated outside my race my whole life but i dont go out with the mindset of "i only wanna date whitey". lts all about how well you click and also what environment youre in. i dunno just rubs me the wrong way : \

so please go on and ask whatever questions you like but i just had to ask if anyone else agreed with me, especially my fellow african americans? should girls be concerned about what certain races think of them and trying to live up to those standards? and isnt the concept of "acting white" is the most moronic thing in the world?! come on people. get it together.




  1. well, in this amazing 21st century that we live in it still breaks down to basically one thing. fear. they're afraid to stand out, to want change (even if for the better), to see their fellow human being as an equal. they prefer to classify and hold stereotypes, which truly sucks. i have dated other races as well as my own, afr. am.  it just comes down to what YOU want. can't please everybody. maybe one day everyone else will open their eyes and realize we're all humans, but in the meantime i say live your life for you not anyone else.  

  2. Black women shouldn't date out....if they do black males and females will not exist in the year 3044

    To the above poster: wow this is how a women acts when women get rights to vote and work and so on...go figure, but when blacks don't exist then what?

  3. I think people complaining about not being able to find anyone regardless of race are just lazy. So these questions strike me as both confusing and sad.  Obviously women (especially black women) feel the only confidence they can can is from the answers to these ridiculous questions on the internet. That is the problem! They spend too much time online and not enough time LIVING. I date all types of guys and the only way I could do that was to go out and meet people and make connections. Being sorry for yourself as well as a hermit won't help the situation-it just ends up looking (like you stated) pathetic because not all black girls are desperate like that. I know I'm certainly not.

    Ya dig?

  4. I guess I don't usually notice those questions coming from black women. I recall white men asking how they can appeal to black women. Then again, I ignore those questions entirely.

    Well, I dated people because they seemed interested to get to know me. I knew that over time I wouldn't mind dating someone who didn't look like me. That's what happened. We met each other about 2 years ago, and I never had to "fix" myself in any type of way. We click in a lot of ways, we have fun together, and we enjoy each other's company, and for some that's rare. I know what kind if people I can chill wit and those that I can't. Occasionally, from people around the way, they'd be like, "you talk all proper". But it wasn't intentional, and I've been around different people since I've been on this Earth.  

    I feel for people who just don't know how to be themselves. In our society, it's just not encouraged to be the person you are and to enjoy the things you like. But in a crazy way, you're still put in a category no matter what, it's a catch 22. I like the screen name by the way.

    The concept of acting like anybody but yourself is pretty pathetic. 1

  5. Im multicultural and yes black is one of them. People say I "Act and talk" white all the time...but it's usually my friends and they're joking with me. Other than that, I've heard that I talk "sophisticated". It doesn't bother me when people think that way because where I live, it's sooooooooo diverse and nobody really thinks that way. surprisingly, everyone is friendly and doesn't set standards...


    No offense Randy J, but who honestly cares? I mean, in about another hundred years, everyone will be mixed with SOMETHING. It shouldn't be MANDATORY to keep a race "pure". I hate when blacks say that other blacks SHOULDN'T date outside the race. Like c'mon! Are you serious? Look around you!!!! Things are changing everyday. It's idiotic to think one race SHOULD stick to itself..gimme a break!

    **When blacks don't exist then what??? Then what?? The world will go on!! Why? Because everyone will have some black IN THEM. You make it seem like the world will stop completely once blacks are gone. It won't!! Not only will BLACKS be gone, but WHITES, HISPANICS, ASIANS...eventually EVERYTHING. Who cares??? Gosh, you're like one of those people who throw the Race Card out there whenever someone NOT black says something negative....god

  6. I all ready like you!   I dated a black girl, and loved it.   She was so cool, and we got along very good...Anyways...its not the color, its the person.   Just don't follow anybody, just be yourself.   Don't let anybody take your power away!   Have fun!

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