
Does Anyone Else Notice How Completely Fake New York Goes To Hollywood On VH1 Is?

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I know all reality shows are fake in all kinds of ways, but does anyone else notice how much more ((FAKE)) and ((STAGED)) New York Goes To Hollywood on VH1 is? You know, the horribly mean and ugly woman Tiffany Pollard from I Love New York. I didn't want to watch it at all but I saw 1 and a half episodes of it recently. The entire episode that I saw Tiffany was given a chance to act in a commercial for an energy drink (Which doesn't exist, I looked). In it they give make her drink this fake energy drink, where she can't drink it because it tastes so bad. But she is suppose to drink it and basically do stereotypical Japaneses things; which just screams staged. And every time she takes a sip, she spits it out and the producers love her for it. In reality no one wants Tiffany to act in anything they make, so VH1 just seems to keep creating fake things to bring in ratings. I have never seen such a fake reality show in my entire life! How anyone else spotted how fake this show is? VH1 can't honestly think people wouldn't notice this. Plus Tiffany isn't the type of person that even deserves to be famous.




  1. This show is totally fake, even though it's a reality show you can tell Tiffany (New York) is acting. There was an episode where she was auditioning for a part and one of the girls who also auditioned told her to "Break a Leg" and Tiffany got really defensive. She claimed that the girl told her to break her leg. Now I know for a girl who's been aspiring to be an actress her whole life she d**n well knows what the saying "Break a Leg" means. She was acting and wanted to start  unnecessary drama. Her show is quite boring and she can never be an actress. This show is a total joke.

  2. It's bad, and without the back up cast that she has in the VH1 dating shows, it's really clear that she is not talented, and her tv time is coming to an end. Unless BET gives her a show to host.

    And she is looking like a bigger hot mess with each new show.

  3. Tiffany (New York) is wasting her time trying to break it into Hollywood.  She's not talented at all.  The show seems really phony.

  4. I stopped bothering with that walking crapfest ages ago. Tiffany "New York" Pollard wouldn't be able to get a job sweeping bathroom floors at a cut-rate ghetto strip joint, much less afford the discounted  "Made In Korea" breast and gluteal (buttcheek) implants if she hadn't been a VH1 dating show contestant in the first damned place.

    No Z-grade straight-to-Blockbuster schlock movie producer would cast the heifer in a trailer, much less a whole friggin' movie...this is a sign that VH1 is suffering from creative arrested development by keeping the low-life, beyond class-less Jerry Springer reject ***** under contract and constantly "developing" painfully obvious faked situations for their "reality TV megastar"...whose 15 minutes had long expired by now, but is too f***ing clueless to realize it.

  5. I totally agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  6. I watched a couple of Episodes and man you ain't kidding !

    That show is sooooo fake it makes her bo*bs look real. LOL

    And that is sayin something.

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