
Does Anyone Have What Happens To Me??

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Hi, im an 18 year old girl, about 2 weeks or less before every period i have REALLY painful b***s..they're size 34 C, I cant run down the stairs without holding them becuase they're so painful & they go REALLY hard:|. They only hurt by the sides of my arms at first so my mum put it down to them growing but it's happend everytime for nearly a year now so they can't be growing pains! Anyway i decided to go to the doctor in the end because i couldnt handle the pain any longer & it'd reached where the pain is all over, she said it's my hormones & gave me painkillers to take 3 times a day before i actually come on my period but i'd rather not take them because its a pain going back & forth the doctors. Does anyone have the same problem as me & is there anything you can suggest to ease the pain or something? Also when i was in my young teens 13-16 I had cup size C b***s..i starved myself because i had depression/self esteem issues..& they went to a size A u reckon they're like it because they're going back to what size i already was? I didnt mention this to the doctor.




  1. I have the same problem...I spoke with my GP. You can take medication but depends on the woman. Speak with your GP.

  2. You may have fibrocystic breast tissue. The changes in your hormone levels around the time of your period may be causing your pain. This is a fairly common condition. Taking an anti-inflammatory like tylenol or ibuprofen can help with the pain. Also taking birth control pills can help. Talk to your doctor.  

  3. Hormones play a massive part in our monthlies and sore b***s is just one of them hun, i was just like you as a young girl, but eventually it does calm down, the best advise i can give is pain killers and go out and buy a sports bra for when your on your period, these are the best invention ever, i use mine for netball, they do exactly what they claim, they give brilliant support and stops your b***s moving about helping to stop any discomfort, a lot of my friends have huge b***s and they swear by them, try one out hun you will be suprised, they arnt the prettiest thing but whats more important, hope this helps and go and buy one.x.

  4. It happens to me every month. I have never gone to dr. for it so don't know if there's anything they can do. I take ibuprofen and that helps me. I'll take ibuprofen morning and night throughout my period. Also helps to make sure you don't sleep on them. I have a tendency to roll over onto my stomach and that makes it worse. Good Luck.

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