
Does Anyone Know If They Make The New Florescent Light Bulbs?

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In the small "candle shape" that you put in chandileers? If so, where do you find them. What other shapes do they come in?

Has anyone tired them and if so, how do you like them. Is the lighting as good as the standard bulbs? I really wonder if they will last 5 years and save that much energy? What do you think?




  1. They don't grow on trees.  They are available at your nearest drugstore, hardware store, etc.

  2. I have seen them, and I really don't care for the color of light they give off.  It makes the room they are illuminating appear harsh, and cold in my opinion.  I do think they save money though in the long run, the link below is pretty helpful.

  3. My son's and electrical engineer and he has changed all of his at his home and they use them at work. He say they put out a more natural light that does not have the glare on them that the regular lights have. He also said they are much better for eyes when you are reading.

    I also heard they are very good for house plants. The only ones I had were in my kitchen and closet. But, I am gradually changing over it see. If they help the environment they would be worth it, even if they did not save the money the claim.

    I have seen some of the candle bulbs but do not remember is they had the standard base or the smaller one. I think I saw them in Home Depot or Lowe's. I am sure you can get the Internet to find out for sure.

    There may come a time in the near future that will be all they use, who knows?   Try it you will like  :)

  4. I have not seen them in candle type.  I suspect there is a minimum size that is practical.

    I've only seen two types.  The coil type is what I use, and they are just fine.  Haven't had one burn out yet, but I don't think they are old enough for that to be a fair test.

    The other kind, which I have not tried, are shaped sort of like a mushroom, like the heat lamp bulbs of the old days.  I've only just seen them, not even read the packaging.

  5. Hi

    Work has mandated that over the next couple years we change every bulb in the houses to the "new"bulb.  I can tell you they are lasting a lot longer, since I am not paying the energy bill cant be sure on how much they are saving in that area, but they do use a LOT less energy.  The only thing I have not cared for is the warm up time.  The ones outside in winter time take a couple minutes to come on to full brightness and inner ones are 30 sec or so.  I have not looked for them in the shapes you requested, but im sure a simple web search will turn up results if any. On the negative side special care needs to be taken if bulb breaks, though I think that is more a scare then reality as the amount of mercury is minute.  

    Thank You

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