
Does Anyone Know If Topomax Is Bad For You ???

by Guest62066  |  earlier

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My Friend Takes It And Wants To Know




  1. This is used for treating many serious conditions, mostly to prevent seizures or binge eating or bipolar disorder. Check out this site.


  2.      Topomax is a med given to prevent seizures. In high doses or over a long period of time it can, like many many other meds, cause liver damage. Taken at the proper doses any liver damage would generally be very gradual. That is why they recommend that you get regular blood tests to check and monitor liver functions.

         Remember this, skull fractures are very common with uncontrolled seizures. Plus they are only one of many things that can happen to hurt a person having a seizure. The risk of liver problems (compared to the chances of injury during a seizure) is very slim. You are generally much better off taking the medication.

         the one exception to all of this is if you already have liver problems.

  3. Messes with your liver.

  4. It can have some very severe side effects for some individuals, but it can vary a lot. Some people can live with the side effects, while others cannot.

    I couldn't take it, because it made me practically psychotic.

    Your friend needs to keep track of what kind of side effects he or she is having, and should work with their physician if the side effects become too much. For some people, they can be unbearable.  

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