
Does Anyone Take Apple Cider Vinegar For Arthritis?

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My mother use to say it was good for this.

I am starting to feel stiff in the morning when I get up and certain parts of my fingers hurt when it gets cold, so I am pretty sure that is the beginning of arthritis.

Has anyone taken vinegar for this patricular problem and does it really work?




  1. I had a friend that swore by it.  But, my Dad was a Doc and he said arthritis is a cyclical disese and comes and goes even if no treatment is being taken.  As such, it is easy to get fooled into thinking that something "worked" for it.  When in reality it was just getting better by itself.

    He said that was the reason that there are so many "cures" for arthritis.

  2. Yes it works. If you want to make it more efficacious, mix equal quantity of honey and drink it.

  3. Organic apple cider vinegar does really work and is very good for you!! It will give your skin a healthy fresh glow owing to its ability to aid in digestion and get everything running smoothly ..........  apparently it relieves arthritic pain also but i can't relay personal experience on that one........  Organic apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium and potassium so is good for the nervous system, bone and heart health (calcium) and will also aid in elimination and sending oxygen to the brain (potassium).

    Go and get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar ~ Braggs is a good quality brand. put 2 tablespoons into a mug and fill with water,mix it up and drink through a straw (to protect the enamel on your teeth) ............ this will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and aid in digestion of your meals thus also helping with constipation. It will also cure an acid tummy by increasing digestion and realkalising your tummy.

    Apple cider vinegar will eliminate heart burn and acid reflux symptoms........ have two mugs if you have to. All natural ingredients, no chemicals or rubbish to upset sensitive little bodies in organic apple cider vinegar either.

    here, check out these links, they may be of use to you ~

    oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ♥

    Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout the ACV.

    Also try increasing your consumption of fatty fish, such as cod, salmon and halibut on a daily basis.......... they are a great source of omega - 3 fatty acids which have antiflammatory properties. I'd also suggest you eliminate the nightshades, such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant from your diet as they may aggravate arthritis if that is in fact what this is.

    Take a B complex supplement on a daily basis ~ B5, part of that complex, has been found to be effective in reducing the pain of arthritis in some cases ........... buy perhaps a liquid B complex supplement as it will be easier for your body to assimilate ........ get one with all the B's in it ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid etc.... as they work best as a group.... don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless specifically instructed to do so by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and will bolster your system enormously in dealing with the everyday stresses of life.

    Take 2 fish oils capsules twice daily.

    Take extra vitamin C in a powdered form as well ~ you can get it with bioflavonoids contained therein ~ the bioflavonoids inrease the power of vitamin C 10 fold....... if you're taking lots of aspirin you're losing vitamin C.

    hope this helps you out a bit

    good health & peace 2 u



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