
Does Anyone Understand Why the Articles of Impeachment Were Referred to the Judiciary Cmte?

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Does Anyone Understand Why the Articles of Impeachment Were Referred to the Judiciary Cmte?




  1. That's the committee of jurisdiction. When the House was considering the impeachment of Richard Milhous Nixon the hearings into the matter were held by the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Peter Rodino of New Jersey. The same committee also held hearings when the House was considering articles of impeachment against William Jefferson Clinton.

  2. It's been a normal part of procedure, but there is no reason it could not have been brought to a vote immediately.  I'm sorry to say that in this case it was a deferment of the House's immediate constitutional duties. Bush's "signing statements" alone, by which he appropriated powers of the legislative branch to himself, are absolutely unconstitutional and nullify his oath of office.  He should have been removed at the first known instance of this crime.

  3. I think that the Congress is most upset because they were lied to when they agreed to give the president the power to attack Iraq. The evidence presented to the Congress was fabricated and we now know that the White House knew that.

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