
Does Anyone know SOMETHING about Florence Nightingale?

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Does Anyone know SOMETHING about Florence Nightingale?




  1. She was a nurse.

  2. She was the daughter of some really rich people and she decided to be a nurse and yeah she was pretty famous

    look her up on the internet or find some books

    oh she was named after the town florence because that is where she was born

    sorry that i dont know much about her

  3. She was born on May 12, 1820 to wealthy British parents travelling in Italy.  Named for the city in which she was born, young Florence never quite fit the mold of a Victorian lady.  She was well educated in literature, music, drawing and the domestic arts.  A women of her social standing was expected to marry and devote her life to her family, entertaining, and cultural pursuits.  However, she felt an early calling to serve, and refused to marry.  When she attempted to go to work as a nurse, her horrified family repeatedly opposed her.  In those days, hospitals were often dirty and dark and nurses were untrained, sometimes drunken women.  Finally, at age 33 she was able to obtain some minimal training and begin her career.

    In 1854, the British press began reporting that soldiers wounded in the Crimean War were being poorly cared for in deplorable conditions.  Nightingale recruited and equipped a group of nurses and went off to Turkey to help.  

    While visiting the front lines, she became ill and never really recovered.  

    Although an invalid for the rest of her life, Nightingale continued to have an influence on standards of nursing care and training.  In 1859 she helped to establish the first Visiting Nurse Association and in 1860, she established a school that became a model for modern nurses training.

    Florence Nightingale was known by the British soldiers in the Crimea as the “lady with the lamp” because of the late hours that she worked tending to the sick and wounded.  Today, she is remembered as a symbol of selfless caring and tireless service.

  4. its the name of the hospital ward at basildon where my nan just came out of

  5. She did provide valuable services to wounded British soldiers, and helped set an example for future nursing services.  She wasn't all pure and virtuous, however: she died of tertiary syphilis.

  6. I know lots about her.  You can too if you look her up.

  7. She was an English nurse, hospital reformer, and philanthropist is considered the founder of modern nursing.  Born in Florence , Italy. Though she was raised in privilege on her family's estate in England, Nightingale had had a natural and irrepressible inclination for caring for others.

  8. She basically pioneered nursing!

    Check out this site  

  9. Post your question on the Library of Congress' website at: and you will receive more answers than you can possibly use.

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