
Does Anyone know some professional swimming training?

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I am now starting my summer training outside, (my winter training on a team is over) and i need some good professional training excersizes. strokes: freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke. i already train by kicking, some other stroke/kick drills, carla drill, ect. any others are welcome. thanks




  1. well I mean I can always type out a super long description of my workouts back when I swam competitively but if you want PRO swimming tips, you can check out the phelps video:

    Michael Phelps Butterfly Training Part 1

    [type in youtube it wouldn't post]

    part 1 of 4 [other parts can be found on related]

    that is basically for butterfly mostly although some techniques like the body dolphin are mainly for kicking off into backstroke but that increases flexibilty of the hips which is always a plus as a swimmer along with fluid motion.

    also if you're using the bungee that can help working out the upperbody as opposed to your kicks that work leg movements the bungee helps sort out the entire movement and even helps adjust it since it gives you a kind of support.

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