
Does Anyone know where I can get paid to donate blood in Raleigh,NC?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks KL, That is how I was thinking and if they don't like that then why reply, some people!! I hate internet "gangstas" with a passion!!!!




  1. I don't know of any locations, but in response to the last person's question, the medical industry is a business. You are not a jerk for wanting to request money for it. Doctors make tons of money and no one begrudges them of that money.

    Blood is a medical commodity. Sell it if you can. It'll help pay for this $4.45/gallon gas price!

  2. There's a plasma place on Hillsborough Street by NCSU that'll pay for plasma donations.

  3. donating blood is a good deed, but not if you wanna get paid for it


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