
Does Aquafina have flouride in it?

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Does Aquafina have flouride in it?




  1. I have realized your comment in this commenting site its a really nice information which you provide its really nice information.

  2. I live in Korea and the only clean water is Aquafina around here. I hate how i have to buy "purified" water to find out that it still has flouride in it. I beleive they put it in the water in America and it appalls me. They know what they are doing. Read between the lines.

  3. even tho it's natural does not mean it's good and the natural flouride your talking about is 10 less than the flouride they put in water 10 less. Tooth paste has flouride and guess what it says if you ingest it to contact a poisen center imidiatly the government is simply controlling the earths population by putting this in drinking water and it's rediculus hope they get law suit by many people

  4. guest903 you're a f--king idiot.  and flat wrong.

  5. Yes aqua fina has fluoride in it 3ppm usually marked on the label least it's marked on the labels in Canada. So drink up yum yum poison.

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