
Does Aquarius tend to be scared of Love?

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Im big into Star Signs and I researched my bf's star sign aquaruis... it seems that most believe they are afraid of love.. could this be wrong?




  1. im an aquarius and i am not afraid to be in love with someone, i am afraid to be in love with someone and get hurt. it ahs happened to me and the feeling is very very painful.

  2. not completely true but I've noticed its common in the aquarius's I've met.

  3. I honestly agree with tiacola, that's so TRUE!

    That's actually how i am! can't believe somebody could explain it like that hah

    well.. if you want him to speak, just tell him how you feel.

    you need to say it first i guess...

    or.. just ask him, he'll tell you, I'm so sure he will! ha

  4. I'm Aquarius and I love being in love. I love the ups and downs, the drama, the making up, the whole nine yards. You'd be surprised how much time I waste daydreaming about romantic things. Feelings, that's another story. I'm okay with hearing about other people's feelings but when it comes to mine, expressing them verbally makes me VERY uncomfortable. I feel exposed and vulnerable and it makes me scared to put myself on a limb like that with the possibility of getting rejected or hurt. Aquarians are actually a lot more sensitive than people would believe and that's why most of us keep our feelings bottled up, to protect our hearts. I'd much rather give a gift from the heart, show my loved one my favorite hangouts, or let them in on my deepest secrets rather than telling them straightout how I feel. To an Aquarian, actions always speak louder than words so that's how we show our love. In the past I've excelled at putting my feelings down on paper and telling them to read it when I wasn't there. Maybe you could ask your Aquarius to do that instead of telling you. That way you'd still know how he feels and he wouldn't feel like he's on the spot. Good luck :)

  5. Its not so much fear, its the fact that they are an air sign and he could seem somewhat aloof and unattached emotionally. Just make sure you express how much you love him and need him and he'll come around!

  6. Aquarius is not comfortable with intimacy...this isn't s*x...he can handle that quite well... intimacy...letting someone in emotionally. Watch him...he keeps an 18 inch social barrier between himself and the world...he will do it with you also. If you can handle his giving to the social cause what he can't give to you...having more understanding and social graces with total strangers than at home then go for it .He's a great guy.

  7. no not really but in this weird way they can be its weird to fall in love with them.. and when they do love you they dont show it by saying i love you. they do things like backing you up when you need it and being there.

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