
Does Australia have many USA Bases?

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I know of Pine gap, and wonder what other US instellasions are in Australia?




  1. Way too many.

  2. Yes and not telling

  3. Strictly speaking, there are no sole US use bases Australia - such as the example of Okinawa in Japan given below.  However, due to our defence agreements with the US (AUSMIN - the successor to ANZUS and the like) there are plenty of dual use bases.

    Pine Gap is the most important of these dual use bases, and the most contriversal, as its likely that some portion of information gained at Pine Gap - its an Echelon monitoring station - is not available to Australia.  A figure i've heard in the past, but not sure where, is 70% available to us.

    There are a couple of air bases up north that they have access to but i'm not sure which, same with other naval ports - Freo the most obvious. Also in the past Nurrungar and North-West Cape were as important as Pine Gap, but Whitlam helped put a stop to that - indeed the CIA rated Whitlam as a security threat, and at one point recommended thinking about securing out joint bases from him. (although it was never as bad as in New Zealand, where the US issued orders to the military outside of NZ civilian command).

  4. NO, not too many..

  5. Not that i know of but i know there is in an little island called okinawa...

  6. The USA dose not have one at all, though one is being built. The Australian, British and United States have a combined spying station at Pine Gap in the NT.

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