
Does Australia have some regulation to recognize as been legal a marriage made in US?

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If an Australian citizen is getting marry legally in US can he has some problem to bring his wife in Australia?How long he has to wait to bring her in Australia?




  1. I think you are asking two questions:

    1) does Australia recognise a marriage that has taken place in the States

    2) how easy is it for the foreign spouse to get a visa to enter Australia legally?

    In answer to your first question, of course Australia recognises marriages in the States.

    In answer to your second question, the spouse can enter Australia basically immediately, but they cannot get permanent residence straight away.

    In the old days, they could.  But due to the increase in fake marriages where foreigners paid to marry an Australian, they are making it more difficult.  It takes about 2 years before you can apply for a permanent residence, at which time they might interview you, and you have to provide various evidence to support the validity of your marriage.  For example, a video of your wedding ceremony, photos from your holidays, mail showing that bills etc...have been sent to both parties at the same address etc...

    Of course, if the other person is from a wealthy country like the States, they'll probably be less suspicious.  But you still have to wait those 2 years.

  2. if you are married in the US you must first contact the consulat of you country in the US , so that your marriage will be valided in Australia .

    and ask for a dependent visa (family member )

    as for the time that it takes ? i cannot tell you that .

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