
Does Avon use animal derived ingredients?

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I saw a question recently on here that mentioned companies using collagen in their products which apparently can be or always is (I'm not sure on that either) animal derived. Well, the moisturizer I was using contains it, so I threw that out but now I'm wondering about Avon. I know they don't test on animals, but I can't seem to find out whether or not they use animal ingredients. So, I guess this is a two part question, is collagen ever synthetic or is it always animal derived? And does anyone know about whether or not Avon uses animal derived ingredients. I'm not concerned about milk or honey btw. I've googled and googled and can't find anything. Thanks!




  1. I know they don't do animal testing, but as to whether they use animal ingredients I can't say for sure.  Of course, you can't read the ingredients in the catalogs, but at the mall in my city, there is an Avon booth where you could go and read the ingredients on any products you'd be interested in.  You could see if you have one of those nearby, or if your Avon rep has any samples you could read the ingredients on.

    I have never heard of synthetic collagen, and I couldn't find any information on the 'net.  So I would just avoid it to be safe.

    Sorry this answer probably isn't very helpful. LOL

  2. What is Avon's policy on animal testing?

    As of November 1, 2001, the official policy of the Avon Foundation is that no Avon Breast Cancer Crusade funds will be used to support breast cancer research projects involving the use of animals. This followed the announcement of the first Avon Foundation funding for research in fall 1999, and the first awards for biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatment and cure of breast cancer in spring 2000.

    In addition, we are proud that, in 1989, Avon Products, Inc. became the first major cosmetics company to end all animal testing for its products and ingredients. Avon continues to adhere to this policy.

  3. call 1-800-FOR-AVON .... that's a number for customers, who have any questions about the ingredients in products.   You can also e-mail them directly at

  4. i have no idea but i know arbonne is 100% vegan

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