
Does Bainbridge, GA have the most gnats out of all cities in the u.s.?

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seems like it!!! and plus i read that on wikipedia but its not on there anymore....but does anyone know?




  1. According to the 2000 Census, Jupiter, FL had the most gnats. But recent gnat tax issues in FL have prompted many gnats to move north. Georgia is known to be "gnat friendly", recently legalizing g*y marriage for gnats and giving them the same family leave rights as beetles and dragonflies. New gnat-owned businesses there are springing up almost daily, most notably a Gnike shoe factory in Atlanta. Additionally, the gnat school system in GA was recently ranked 5th in the country and 7th in the world, scoring especially high in HS graduation rates and math/science aptitude. I don't know specifics about Bainbridge, but it's entirely possibly they have the most gnats. Bainbridge…it's what all the 'buzz' is about!

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