
Does Barack Hussein Obama have the experience to lead the country? Should I vote for him?

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Why or why not?




  1. Yes, he does. Yes, you should. So we won't have WWIII.

  2. Is it experience you're concerned about or his middle name, son?

    All I know is I DON"T want to be in Iraq for 100 years!!!

  3. Well, I think so. Many people have a lot against him, but I think that he's a smart person with the right ideas to lead America. I don't want a lot of hate mail after this but I think he really doesn't need that much experience if you want to get things changed here. Foreign policy experience? Well, Biden is his running mate so he has some help. Taxes and rising gas prices, he has good ideas for those, too.

    McCain supporters? Don't be upset by this answer. It's just my opinion. Thanks!

  4. He is the junior senator from Illinois.  He has less than 1 term in congress.  He picks the first person who dropped out after Iowa for his running mate.  He talks change.  How is he going to change anything?  He still has to work with congress.  

    Yes, McCain has said we may be in Iraq for a hundred years.  But do you realize we still have troops in Germany, Japan and Guam, 65 years after World War II has ended?  

    I can not tell you who to vote for.  That is one right you have.  Look at all the facts and issues and choose for yourself.

  5. He's our only hope mccain is another bush we can't take anymore war it will makes us even more vulnerable to anyone  to attack us our military has to built back up again we have lost too many good men !!

  6. You won't be voting for him. You will be voting for electors pledged to his election. The Electoral College will meet on December 14th and they will elect the next President and Vice President of the United States. I don't know which state you live in. But, only 24 of the 50 States have what is called "faithful elector" laws which require the members of the Electoral College in those States to vote for the person the people indicated a preference for in the general election.  

  7. Obama is about Socialism.  I don't care what your ideals are, this country was founded on freedom, capitalism, and democracy, NOT socialism.  By the way, Obama and McCain are not the only candidates.

    Bob Barr '08

  8. do you prefer experience or judgment... that's the choice...

    McCain's been around longer, but still supports Bush's policies...

    I call that horrible judgment

    Obama may not have the experience, but he's got the common sense to not support failed policy... which I consider to be more important...

    experience without judgment is like a sword without a blade...basically useless

  9. No man will ever be ready for the task.  That was the biggest side of JFK that the repubs try to play...and he was a great...all about change.  And took us through the Cuban Missle Crisis..nukes 90 miles away.  Yes he does, he's got smart men like him surrounding him for his next 8 years...

  10. Experience to lead the country? Maybe not. But I do know he has the Ideals and Determination to leading and producing change. And CHANGE is what this election is all about.

    For those that commented that he promotes Socialism - Do you not realize that Social Security and Medicare are Socialist type benefits and that Obama has only supported higher taxes for the wealthier?

    Get a gripe people - This country's current type of leadership has brought the middle-class to their knees!

  11. I don't think he has enough. He'll raise yer taxes. And hes just too inexperienced, People say we need change, but is it the RIGHT change?

    He's saying stuff, but if he wins will he go through with his word?

  12. Ask yourself one question. If you think Bush is doing a good job, and want to continue his Administration, then vote McCain. If you don't like were Bush is taking us, then vote Obama. It is very simple!

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