
Does Barack Hussein Obama think God is White or Black? ...Why did he say and do this... ?

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For 20 consecutive years, Up until May 31, 2008 (3 months ago) Barack Hussein Obama has financial, theologically, and personally supported a church which candidly and unashamedly have believed, upheld and taught This:

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods that do not belong to the black community." [A Black Theology of Liberation, p. 27]

Here he shows he still upholds the church theology and that it is not worthy of his denouncing by SAYING THIS:

Does he still believe we should kill God if he isn't Black?




  1. give it a rest already

    Nobody cares

    You really aren't smart enough to make any type of argument with this RANT!

    Do you honestly think that Jesus was the white man depicted in the churches?  Please, you have no clue what you are talking about

  2. George Jefferson is the only guy i know that  still calls Jesus a h****y.

  3. God isn't monotone, his color is a ten shade rainbow

  4. You know, most Americans that are not retarded or from Salem's Lot care more about ending the war in Iraq and saving the plannet than what color the president thinks God is.

  5. What baffles me is why he says he is black when he is obviously gray.

  6. Blah blah blah blah blah

    Give it up hon.

    You're ridiculous.

    What... you think God is FOR white racists?

    there isn't anything inflammatory there.  

  7. Do you think God is white or black?

  8. God doesn't exist and according to the bible that I read, God most definitely is NOT white.  

  9. His church has made Jesus and God "black" to fit their racist beliefs. Of course this has to be upsetting to God who doesn't want anyone arguing about His skin color. He is one God for all.  

  10. You are not clever enough to read; it doesn't say we should kill God if he isn't black.

    I'll try to explain it simply in primary school English.

    We do not want to be part of a religion that does not understand us and treat us as normal human beings who have equal rights and an equal place in society - these are the goals of the black community.

    White racists (eg The Klu Klux Klan) have killed and tortured blacks and they were (especially the Klan) christians - we cannot worship the same god as them because of this and we do not accept their idea of christianity where it means murdering us. We must 'kill' the idea of a christian god that would support the murder of black people.

    I hope that helps you and of course what these people are saying is perfectly correct and for your further information

    1. Don't forget your slave owning woman raping black man lynching forefathers were all Christians.

    2. Moses was definitely a black man

    3. There's no way Jesus was a white caucasian like yourself.

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