
Does Barack Hussien Obama think the American people are stupid?

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By now, anyone who has formulated an opinion regarding this election is probably going to vote that way anyway, however, it is important to note that Barack Obama has 0 executive experience and that judgement comes into play when you spend 20 years in a black militant racist church espousing to the racist/ hate beliefs of a psychotic preacher. The American people know very well that you do not spend that much time (and get married) by someone like that unless you believe the same way they do. By throwing Rev. Wright "under the bus" at the last minute and as a matter of convenience because of a ton of negative press merely shows how bogus his campaign is. Mainstream America will never buy into this lie. So don't you folks either. Be wise, especially you women, and remember that the blatant sexism you are seeing from the liberal press regarding Sarah Palin (1 1/2 years of executive experience as Governor of Alaska) merely shows the "double standard" by which the media treats women's rights. Make the Dems and the liberal press pay for their blatant sexism toward women. And it is sexism at it's worst. Make no mistake.




  1. Of course he thinks we're stupid.   But He is all hope and Change and cannot be bothered with mere details.  Don't pay attention to that man behind the curtain!   Obama is a complete radical.  He just doesn't want you to know it.  


    By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON - President Bush on Wednesday announced $1 billion in new economic aid to Georgia to help the pro-Western former Soviet republic rebuild after Russia's invasion.

    "Georgia has a strong economic foundation and leaders with an impressive record of reform," Bush said in the statement announcing the aid package that was obtained by The Associated Press. "Our additional economic assistance will help the people of Georgia recover from the assault on their country, and continue to build a prosperous and competitive economy."

    the poor, poor working-class .  see their money be spent .  see it go away.  run, money, run.  

    George Bush should have his pension removed.

  3. Obama had the judgment not to believe what this preacher believed and to focus on bringing people of all backgrounds together.McCain has shown he'll do anything to become president,that includes getting  Governor Palin as his vp,just to pander to some of the Hillary supporters for  their vote.

  4. Of course he does.  Take a look at his followers, would you.  There's all the proof you need.  Thank goodness that the saner ones outnumber them.

  5. Why do you people keep using his middle name in a derogatory way. Are you trying to state that you're ignorant and incompetent. I mean really give it a break already. McCain thinks you're stupid because he picked a woman and now he thinks that everyone going to be kissing his butt all the way to the oval office, but he's wrong.

  6. to inked M<3mmy....

    his middle name is Hussien, how could you not know that at this stage of the game???

    and I think the sexism toward Palin and the USmagazine cover are absolutely unacceptable.

    I'm barely going to be 18 by election day and I hope my generation does not mindlessly vote for Obama.  

  7. I'll respond to each of your points.  On executive experience: 1. the only person running who has executive experience is McCain's VP, 2. executive experience isn't any better than any other kind of experience, since the senate also is important towards political decision making, 3. Palin's executive experience involved leading the second smallest populated state in the country, which doesn't even get her near the idea of facing down the entire U.S.  4. Palin's experience is 4 years total - 2 as mayor, 2 as governor, while Obama matches that just from his legislative experience and goes beyond that with others.  

    On the church: I have yet to hear a single instance in which he's employed any of those preachings in his political decision making.  I'm still waiting.  You say that they have to believe the same way they do after so long, yet I know plenty of conservative Jews who have attended my synagogue for decades with a liberal Rabbi, even been married by her, and don't think the same.  There's no logic behind that argument.

    On the women vote: 1. it's sexist to try and get people to vote for her because she's a woman, plain and simple, 2. the liberal press is not being sexist by bringing out facts against her.  That's like saying that any argument against Obama is racist, 3. the "double standard" here comes when a woman can say she's oriented in strong family values and then acts like her 17 year old daughter being pregnant doesn't matter towards the election.  It does when you make that kind of statement about yourself in the political sphere. 4. the "double standard" you're talking about isn't there.  There's no mistreatment of womens rights in the media, and you don't explain where there is some.  

    You act as though reporting something detrimental to Palin makes you automatically sexist.  You go so far as to say "make no mistake," yet you don't even explain how or why it's sexist to do so.  How is it not sexist to be pandering to the women of America in the way she is?  She has blatantly stated that she's after disgruntled Hillary supporters, as though she's suddenly another Hillary standing on that stage.  I was shocked to hear it.  I call that sexism, basing your reason for a VP in gathering votes of the opposite s*x.

  8. All politicians not only believe we are stupid, but they count on it.  Who can blame them. We constantly prove to them we are stupid.

    We keep electing the same lying, crooked, thieving, scumbags again and again. We never demand that our tax dollars are spent wisely and accounted for.  We have allowed our public school system to become the joke of the world.

    If you want proof that they all think e are stupid, just listen to the c**p they tell us with a straight face.  They know that we are either too stupid to know they are lying, or too lazy to do anything about it.

  9. no. That's why he is offering the American people a clear agenda

  10. No, actually Obama has great appeal among the more intellectual voters.

    McCain's choice of Palin, however, shows that he thinks women are stupid and that Hillary supporters are entirely without principles.  

  11. If anything, McCain is sexist. if you do a search on Google for all his sexist comments and jokes, you'd be surprised. He's also against woman's rights, and the only reason he chose Palin is because he thinks women will vote for her just because Palin is a woman.

    McCain has always been against women's rights:

    McCain has voted consistently against women's health, and he supports overturning the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Roe v. Wade. Following is a summary of his positions on women's issues.

    McCain Opposed Equal Pay Bill for Women, Said They ‘Need Education and Training’ Instead. McCain skipped a vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that would ensure women have the opportunity to recover back pay for discrimination once they discover it. If he had been there to vote, he said he would have voted against it and that women “need education and training” rather than an equal pay bill.  [Source:; H.R. 2831, Vote 110, 4/23/08; Associated Press, 4/28/08]

    Source for the following information: Planned Parenthood

    McCain opposed spending $100 million to prevent unintended and teen pregnancies. In 2005, McCain voted NO to allocate $100 million to expand access to preventive health care services that reduce the numbers of unintended and teen pregnancies and reduce the number of abortions.

    McCain opposed legislation requiring that abstinence-only programs be medically accurate and scientifically based.

    McCain voted NO on legislation that would help reduce the number of teen pregnancies by providing funding for programs to teach comprehensive, medically accurate sexuality education and other programs to prevent unintended teen pregnancies.

    McCain opposed Title X, the nation's family planning program.

    In 1990, McCain voted NO on legislation to extend the Title X federal family planning program, which provides low-income and uninsured women and families with health care services ranging from breast and cervical cancer screening to birth control.

    In 2003, McCain voted NO on legislation to improve the availability of contraceptives for women and to require insurance coverage of prescription birth control.

    McCain opposes comprehensive s*x education.

    In an interview aboard the "Straight Talk Express," McCain struggled to answer questions about comprehensive s*x education and HIV prevention.

    McCain supports overturning Roe v. Wade.

    In February 2007, the AP quoted McCain stating, "I do not support Roe v. Wade. It should be overturned." In May 2007, he reiterated his desire to overturn Roe v. Wade during an appearance on Meet the Press stating, "My position has been consistently in my voting record, pro-life, and I continue to maintain that position and voting record."

    As far as Obama, he has plenty of experience. Just look at his accomplishments:

    His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and


    His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children,

    again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

    His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics

    legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of

    the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it)

    Here’s a chart of many of his accomplishments during his 8 years in the Illinois state house:

    His sponsored and co sponsored Bills in the U.S. Senate.......which include worthwhile bills dealing

    with a wide range of issues, from Election reform bills to the Cooperative Proliferation Detection

    reduction Act (w/t Sen. Lugar) to Internet database transparency Act.

  12. Thank God we didn't vote in Abe Lincoln, because he didn't have any experience.  

  13. Hey, Obama has LOTS of "executive experience".  

    He's been running this MASSIVE campaign, with lots of employees and a huge budget.  

    At least, that's HIS spin on it.

    ROFLMAO.  I wonder if anyone actually buys that one.  

  14. Yes he does. Only the ignorant and uninformed would actually vote for Obama.

  15. You obviously do not understand politicians. They get in bed with people to further their careers. That's why McCain got in bed with that crook Charles Keating and accepted $300,000 in campaign money and failed to disclose vacation gifts from him.

    No one likes the fact that Obama used Pastor Wright and his church to leverage his political career in Chicago, but people are far more troubled with McCain having more big money corporate lobbyists involved in his campaign than any other presidential candidate. The polls tell you that. McCains' new army of lobbyists make Keating look like a girl scout.    

  16. I think someone who says Baracks middle names Hussien is STUPID!

  17. Naming someone so unqualified simply to pander to the female vote is the most sexist thing possible!

  18. Well spoken truthmaster. Unfortunately most liberals can't comprehend so you're message will go unnoticed. Next time try telling your story as a cartoon with promises of riches for the poor underclass.

  19. Mainstream America bought into Bush... so yes, the American people can be pretty stupid.

  20. Obama has the same chance of winning as the resurection of Hitler.  I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't carry a single state.

    That's sad, given that many people are tired of Bush and McCain may not be appreciably different.  I'm frustrated with the Democratic party.  They have been failing to offer an alternative since way back - like the Nixon vs. McGovern race in 1972.

  21. You say that the American people "will never buy into this lie" and that struck me as funny. A great deal of Americans bought into the lie that Obama is a Muslim. Those very same (dare I say, stupid?) Americans then continued to spout off about his reverend. Apparently Muslims go to Christian churches and have reverends, now. Who knew? Oh, that's right. Dumb America knew.

    Sadly, some Americans would gladly eat dog food if served on a pretty enough plate.

  22. The American people have surprised me over my lifetime. They usually get it right, like putting in a Republican congress when Clinton was President, or putting in a Democratic congress when Bush was President. The American people have always seen thru all the rhetoric and actually look at issues. It won't matter who has the best ad, who attacks the other one more, the choice will be made with their pocket book, and with their feelings of security. Americans simply want to feel secure in their homes, and secure with their jobs. I trust the American people to make the right choice.

  23. Not all of them, honey--just you!  

  24. I don't know about him but the Far Left sure seem to think so.

  25. The seed don't fall far from a tree and the rearing of Sen. Obama is evidence he is a true American with visions clearer than the ones that opposes his vision for HOPE for America.

  26. If you want to suggest that Palin's 2 years as governor is more than Obama's executive experience, that is in fact true.

    But it is also 2 more years than McCain's executive experience, and that means that Obama and McCain have the same experience.  That being of 0 experience.

    Which then means we have to judge the two based on judgement, and that means McCain loses.  Because McCain sided with Bush 90% of the time.

    And Bush is at least as bad for the Conservatives as he is for the Liberals.  He spends like crazy, is in the pocket of Big Business (usually at the expense of the Middle Class and Small Business), is a warmonger (but has no war sense), and has expanded the government to scopes never seen before (even under Carter and Clinton).

    And McCain supported him in all that 90% of the time.  So if judgement is all we have to go on, Obama still wins over McCain.

    Secondly, that church is black (with some white members), is not militant, and is not racist.

    Reverend Wright did attack a part of America, specifically the American government.  You believe he is racist because most of his focus was on black problems, and therefore you believe he must think white people did it.  That isn't what he said, he said the government.

    I might remind you of one Mr. Pat Robertson, who suggested along with Jerry Falwell, that both 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were God attacking the US for its blatant debauchery.  They suggested, because of American culture (and not the government as Wright suggested), that God was actually damning America with terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

    They literally attacked America, and how many Christians attacked them as anti-American?  If they, who outright attacked American culture and said God damned us for it, are not anti-American; how much less so is Wright, who attacked only our government (the same government everyone considers as a major part of the problem of today's society)?

    There is definitely a double standard going here, but it isn't Obama who is bringing it.  Its the Republicans, who believe that inexperience disqualifies Obama but does not disqualify Palin.  And also who believe lack of judgement is acceptable in McCain, but presence of judgement is not acceptable with Obama.

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