
Does Barack Obama have any chance at being elected to the Presidency?

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With John McCain on the Republican ticket I can't see how Barack Obama even has a chance. The only way that Barack could win is if Democrats don't vote for the man and only vote for the Democrat. However, that isn't happening.

Most Democrats and Independants I know are voting based on character, experience, passion, and a proven track record.

Obama's wife isn't even proud of being an American so there isn't any passion with Obama.

John McCain has held public office for 26 years and gave the ultimate service in the armed forces to his country as a tortured POW. John McCain doesn't have a fancy Harvard degree like Mr. Obama though (as if that is what it takes).

Mr. Obama first held public office 10 years ago, lacks any military service, but has taught law.

So even though he may be a good candiate for Senator or Governor with McCain on the Republican ticket Barack Obama doesn't even stand a chance at the Presidency does he?




  1. I bloody hope so... Not just for the sake of you americans, but of the rest of the world.  

    McCain is just like Bush but with less education, and more psychological issues from being a POW.

  2. I personally don't like either of them, but that's what you get for having obscure political views. McCain is worse, though. He's essentially Bush 3.0, but older (not a good thing after a point) and with more experience in the military, something that definitely deserves respect but doesn't endow him with more ability to actually serve as president. Obama is more educated, and though he's recently done a lot I haven't liked, just seems like the better candidate.

  3. Only if there are more stupid than smart people voting.

  4. I don't think so . May be close but no he will not win.

  5. Young people want Obama just because he is young and different. Young people think that:

    Obama will probably give us something for free and let us not have to pay taxes, and let people join the military without having to work in the military.

    McCain is just an old White guy and will probably keep things the same, make us work for a living, and make us pay our taxes, and worse not let you join the military just for the pay and the uniform.

    That's how young people look at it.

  6. Get used to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is going to be your next President.

    And he is going to have a huge majority in the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

    AND he is going to have all those supreme powers you guys gave to the Presidency under Bush.

    LOL @ YOU

  7. every poll show obama beating grandpa so you better get use to saying president obama

  8. I hope not. I do not like Extreme Left-Wing Liberals.

    But, see the joke,

    "We in Holland cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election.  On one side, you have a ***** who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, versus a lawyer who is married to a ***** who is a lawyer.

    On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with a great figure, who owns a beer distributorship.

    Is there a contest here? "

  9. Sure he has a chance because the people have the vote but but even teenagers can vote. It's the more mature adults that look at character and qualifications.

  10. I pray to God he doesn't win that's for sure!

  11. No way, Obama doesn't have a chance in the world.  

    Democrats are loud but take little action (lots of hot air), while Republicans keep their opinions to themselves and do what they have to do and vote.  After all is said and done, more people will be voting for McCain, they just aren't being all loud and obnoxious about it.  Plus the Democratic party has been split by Hillary.  It's just never going to happen.

    Besides that, McCain is a way better choice.  

    People are being stupid and naive, thinking Obama can do all these great things.  We'll pay less taxes and things will be better.  How is that possible?   It reminds me of a kid running for class president promising better lunches at school!!

    Wait and see, McCain will win.

  12. No he's never had a chance.  All of his supporters are just fooling themselves.  Empty promises and racist attitude is all he has.

    McCain Is the new president.

  13. You're right that Obama isn't qualified to be President but mostly young people who are barely just old enough to vote want him because he is young and promises change (something that rebel kids always want).

    If there are enough kids out there Obama may have a chance. Let's only pray that more mature and educated voters will vote so that we will be blessed with a President McCain for '08!

  14. None whatsoever.

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