
Does Barack Obama have the moral authority to tell us what is "off-limits" ?

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He does not have the moral authority!




  1. Yes, I guess he does.

  2. no but Biden had the authority to tell Isreal to prepare and adapt because Iran is GETTING nuclear weapons.....

  3. Its his opinion and he's entitled to it, as are you.  

  4. what is the point of your question? he was simply stating his opinion.

  5. Do you have the moral decency to not attack candidates children?

    Or does the fact that Barack Obama said it just make you want to go against it more?

    It should be off limits. It's common sense to think this.

  6. Oh yes he does! Just because you have no morals does not mean he doesn't!

  7. Why would'nt he have the moral authority, I think the Republicans are angry because all they know what to do is to be negative.

  8. He doesn't need the moral authority....he and his campaign will not discuss spouses and children....that isn't his kind of politics.  

  9. Good One!! "Dreamer" 2 Thumbs UP!!

  10. I am NOT voting for him but appreciate what he had to say but on the other hand not sure if it was really heart felt or just another ploy to get votes!

  11. It's not Obama's job to tell us what is moral and immoral.  That's something that we determine ourselves.  

  12. Don't question me.

  13. Its the most decent thing that has ever come out of that guys mouth.

    Kids should be off limits. Family matters are for family, not for the public to hash over.  

  14. Dreamer, why would a Republican bash Palin?

    Doesn't make much since to me....

    This person must be a far left Democrat who wants to make Republicans look bad.

    As for the question, he doesn't have the right, but you should abide by what he says if you believe in what he has to say.

    I am not a Democrat, I am Republican, so his opinion doesn't really matter to me, but that is not to say that I would stoop to a level low enough to attack a family member.  

  15. He has as much or as little as any politician in this counrty.

  16. You're questioning someone's moral authority after all the stuff that came out about Palin today? Really?

  17. He was addressing his campaign staff.  Read the whole quote.

  18. yes, when it comes to his family he does.

  19. It's not about him at all. It's about discouraging a witch hunt on a 17 year old girl for political gains. I'm unsure if you would agree with that. I don't think any politicians should exploit that situation.

  20. What's the point of asking a question if you are to answer it yourself?

    I disagree with you but it seems your mind is made up.

  21. he's entitled to his opinion. I think he is correct-a teen pregnancy in a family is a personal matter, up to a point. But if Palin is pro-life and her daughter, say, had an abortion, then I'd say it's open season on her.  

  22. He doesn't have the authority period. He is the one that chose to run for public positions. Did he think that no one was going to look into his life when he is running for Presidency?

  23. Does John McCain have the moral authority to tell me that i cant abort a fetus and that i cant marry a women if i want too?

  24. Do you republicans have the moral authority to tell other people they can't have a g*y marriage or an abortion?

    I really love how Republicans contradict themselves

  25. no..hes a drone and a liberal loose cannon

  26. Not after fraternizing with terrorists.

  27. no...and neither do you

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