
Does Barack Obama prefer Mulatto food, Creole food, Mexican food, Asian food, or Junk American food?

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Mulattoes are half black and half other colors( white, yellow or black )

Obama is a Mulatto.




  1. what does it matter...............are you so ins ecure in your own lifestyle that you have to break others lifestyle down. get a life

  2. probably mulatto food ( moros y cristianos con platano ) since he is a Mulatto.

  3. your mom's food.

  4. mulatto mainly...goes with the genes

  5. Mulatto food , I guess.

  6. you're g*y.;...

  7. I will say: Italian food, since he's from Chicago.

  8. Does it matter.

  9. Sounds like you're having him over for dinner.

    I've no idea if he likes it but I would guess he likes Asian food (specifically Chinese food). That would be my choice.

  10. Mulatto food?

    I'm half african half white....

    No clue what that is though...

  11. I'd say he eats a lot of crow

  12. I'm not familiar with "mulatto food."  What would that be, exactly?  I imagine he's like any other person and he enjoys a variety of different foods.

  13. Mexican food of course

  14. I'll bet you are or were a straight A student in school.  No common sense!

  15. Mexican food and  Asian food.

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