
Does Barack Obama want to enslave the entire white race????

by  |  earlier

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this is just somehting i read off the internet not sure tis true it???




  1. i'm sure if the question were put to him the answer would be an

    indignant and emphatic no.

    if one listens to his rhetoric long enough, however, they do begin

    to get that impression.


    No, it's not true. Stop trolling and spreading lies. How do people like you sleep at night, I'll never know...

    Vote AGAINST the Politics of hatred, ignorance and fear.

    Vote FOR the Politics of Hope, Unity and Equality!!

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!!  

  3. Well the media said the white race will be wiped out or there will be need to start reproducing them fast by 2042 or something

    so what wrong in enslaving them now; goodnews: please take OB with you he is half-white.

  4. No....

    ...he's pretty happy with the Germans right now. So I think they're safe at least.

  5. well he promised change and to help the black community and wants to feed the world at tax payer expense what does that sound like to you.

  6. Yes.

    Everything posted on the internet is absolutely 100% true.

    Prepare to be enslaved.

  7. He isn't going to do that, he doesn't even have enough power to do that. You probably read that off of some KKK website, or old traditional people who can't accept that all humans are equal.

  8. ...There isn't a sarcastic comment in the world that can make this better...

  9. Only the same amount of time that black people were enslaved by white people.  Then he's going to turn us loose and allow us to be poor and ignorant white people.  

  10. I hope so.  

    They're always in my way at the KFC line, and it pisses me off.  

  11. Only according to the KKK website and some racial white supremacist groups supporting McCain.

  12. guess what the INTERNET is the biggest LIE ever created!

    dont believe a thing

    no he wont, he cant =]

  13. I know Vince, I can't think of anything.

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