
Does Barbie give out the wrong message?

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a friend of mine said she would never let her daughter own a barbie doll as they give the wrong message ...

but i think that they're a harmless toy. i used to play with them as a child and i loved them!

what do you think?




  1. i used to play with them

    i liked the kelly dolls more...

    untill one day when i was little my mom and i were going down the highway and i annoyed her and she whipped the doll out the window....

    well i dont know...the whole picture that barbie says just doesnt appeal to me very much......

    u shouldnt have to look like her to be pretty...

  2. I think the half naked glamour models that grace the posters that are placed between the winnie the pooh posters and band posters in hmv give a wronger message out that barbie does.

    And all you have to do as a kid is go stand next to the magazined and theres some woman with her **** out.

    Barbie is saintly compared to them... thereofre I think mums should be more worried about those images than a doll.

  3. I don't like them.I read statistics somewhere that if she were a 'real' woman she'd be like 7 foot tall with enormous b***s and a teeny waist- not your average woman that is it ?! Little girls want to 'be' Barbie when they play, reckon it's much more sensible for a young girl to inspire to be something more normal-dolls do exist like that, but you do have to hunt for them.My daughter had a 'surfer girl' doll, that was pretty, but had flat feet not on tippy toes, had a regular figure and was sold as 'sporty and outdoorsy' rather than a bit of an airhead !!!!!!

  4. well alot of people think barbie is bad because she sends the message you have to look like her but i dont most little kids think like that. plus i had a barbie that was a little chubby. lol. barbie is just a toy. i think mothers that wont let there daughters own a barbie are a little over protective.

    but i do understsand where youdr friend is coming from. :]

    i played with barbie forever. I love mine. I didn't think i had to be like barbie. i just liked playing them.

    If barbies are bad should we not let our sons play with g i joes or not let them watch tom and jerry bc there so volient?

    i dont know.

    it's hard to say but i dont think barbie is going away.

  5. I think nowadays they may play a part in giving kids the wrong messages - there are so many accessories, not just the for the dolls themselves, but make up etc for the kids too. The way it is marketed too plays a part, alongside all the other media - comics, TV etc etc etc.

    I never liked Barbie as a child. I preferred Sindy. But back then, there weren't as many accessories and tie-ins as now. I think it does depend on the other factors (media, comics etc as mentioned before) plus the child themselves - while I had a Sindy doll and a few other dolls to dress up in the 'latest' doll fashions, I never grew up wanting to be a clothes horse, too thin etc. Maybe that was because I was a bit of a tomboy - I had Action Man too. Far preferred that, and I still have that doll!

    If I had a girl, then I may well be a bit wary of allowing her Barbie, but I'd rather Barbie than those Bratz things!

  6. they do give the impression that you have to be tall, slim and .. well.. a bit of a bimbo in order to be beautiful. Younger girls often start wearing make up and jewellery far too early because they want to move on from barbie and start on themselves

  7. I know what u mean! where did all that rubbish come from?

    They are just toys! its up to the childrens family to educate them and ensure they grow up alright, not a fil-ppin doll!

    It just like the media blaming video games as well!

    These are just excuses.

  8. I too had Barbies as a child. I also had serious misconceptions about weight and beauty for about the first twenty years of my life.

  9. They do represent a lot of feministic views. A barbie doll sends out a message of being a bit easy if u know what i mean.

    If u buy enough different clothes for her though it should be ok.

    (fingers crossed)

  10. i don't think barbie give out the wrong message so if your friend does then she has a problem so what about bratz  dolls they were a lot of make up there is nothing wrong with barbie dolls and other hand held dolls  

  11. i used to play with barbies and i turned out alright

    although im a male hairdresser and like to act....

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