
Does Barcelona have coffee shops?

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(Coffee shops as in Amsterdam coffee shops)




  1. No; public consumption (outside of tourist areas) is frowned upon.

  2. there is not coffee shops as in Amsterdam, sorry

    only normal coffee shops (to drink coffee)


  3. yes

  4. yes we have coffe shops where we drink coffee, and we are not

    in amsterdam

  5. hi!

    I think so Barcelona have coffee shops! But I don't know were.

    ohh!! and if you like Starbucks (I think is how is spell) In America is different from the Barcelona's Starbucks if you ask for a coffee here is the same that if you ask for an espresso you know what I mean? So if you ask for an American coffee that will be the kind of coffee you  would order  in the US.

    I know that probably I haven't answer to your question but if I am answering now is because I disagree from this guy! that he told you all of this things about Catalonia! And I am not going to say anything else about it, but I think he shouldn't say all of these things and less using your question for it! There is always people like him! I have met many people from the US and they think Barcelona is wonderful!!

  6. They have coffee shops but not the kind you are looking for.

  7. yeah. check out the site.

  8. Hi, in Barcelona their are head shops, as in US, Amsterdam and other countries but while you can buy products related to X you can not buy or smoke the stuff. However in the Barrio Chino, Barrio Gótico, near the port you can find easily whatever you want. You can also ask some young people specially if you smell .....

    However be careful because as you see by some of the replies and voting above actually Cataluña is very fascist. They though that their politicians would be better than the Spanish ones just because they are Catalan, which is not only racist but xenophobic, and now they must be really happy since independent of the party, their society is every day more intolerant, fascist and xenophobic, apathy and conformism - servilism are quite valued socially. I t is a pity since they used to be quite tolerant before. I know my Catalan friends are tolerant and many are against most laws recently enacted, such as the Barcelona Civic law package that is really fascist. And while they might put you a fine, not more, for consuming in the street, violent racist Catalans recorded on tape, beating foreigners or winoes, are not immediately detained and walk the streets untroubled.

    Thanks to their Nationalism, which is a sign of incorrect thinking, they have gone from GuateMALA to GuatePEOR

    Good luck


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