
Does Barton College have private dorms or dorms I can bring my gf to stay with me who wont attend?

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Does Barton College have private dorms or dorms I can bring my gf to stay with me who wont attend?




  1. No college will allow non-students to stay in their dorms. There are some "couples" housing, but it is usually resticted to off-campus housing available for married couples/families that is owned by the college.

    Insurance and liability-wise you can't have non-students or people not approved by the school stay in your room, private or not. Most places have visitation policies, say restricting the number of overnight stays per month.

    It sounds like you need an off-campus apartment or suck it up and don't live with the girlfriend.  

  2. You would need to get an off campus apt. for that.  

    Some schools do have dorms for married couples.

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