
Does Bella really get eaten by a polar bear in Breaking Dawn?

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it said that bella and edward go to alaska and hide for a year while bella is a newborn vampire. they go hunting and a polar bear eats her. is this true? WHat does happen?




  1. Totally, you know? And Emmett fights an anaconda.

    Wonderful book.

    haha, no she obviously doesnt. Read the book to find out

  2. Yes. And it was coincidentally the same polar bear from 'The Host', crossing over into Breaking Dawn for a spectacular fail. Wayta go, Smeyer!

  3. YES! i read it and she gets eatin by a polar bear!!!!!!!

    then edward gets supper depressed and he tries to find the polar bear to avenge her then gets attacked by penguins!!!! rofl..

  4. hahahahahaha!! no that doesnt happen...whoever told you that seriously has some issues

  5. Yes it's true.

  6. Totally. Edward gets really depressed.

    (jk) NO!! That's not true.

  7. no hahahhaahaaaa.

  8. Where did you ever hear that? A polar bear? Besides, if a polar bear did attack her, Bella would probably win because she is so strong. She's even temporarily stronger than Edward.

  9. sadly not.

    It would have made the book so much more interesting though

    what actually happens (which enough people above me have explained) is an incredibly boring process.

    Polar bears would have been so exciting!!!

  10. Ummm.... no that's not true. Sorry! Edward and Bella don't go in hiding, Bella adapts really quickly to being a vampire. So she doesn't need to be isolated.  

  11. who told u that? but i hated breaking dawn by the way

  12. no... bella is the worlds best newborn vegetarian vampire...

    oh and you should read the book...spoilers ruin everything.

  13. Oh, yeah.  That's always the best way to end a story written in first person perspective.

    "And then I was eaten by a bear and died."

  14. Yes, this happens... the other posters are wrong, though: Jacob actually imprints on the polar bear.  Then the Cullens have to kill the polar bear/Quileute wolf hybrids, and Edward kills himself because he can't bear to hurt his true love Jacob.


    (No, Bella does not get eaten by a polar bear.)

  15. yup

    and edward steps out of the closet and marries Jake

    but jake imprints on emmet

    so they all kill themselves

  16. yes then Jacob in search for Bella's remains marry s the polar bear feeling

    there is some connection between them but Edward also loves the polar bear and kills Jacob the impregnates the polar bear making a half polar bear half vampire that ends up killing all including the voluitri  

  17. Yup, it's true.  Sadly, the polar bear then drowns due to global warming, and Edward jumps off of a building (forgetting that he is invincible) and exposes vampires to the entire world.  The Volturi then kill him, and he is happy again because he is with Bella.

  18. Of course that's not true.

    And since you asked for spoilers, I'll tell you what actually happened.  Bella and Edward get married, and they go on a honeymoon.  Bella gets pregnant, and after some troubles the baby girl is born and Jake imprints on her.  Then, another vampire (Irina) sees the child and thinks she is an immortal child (against Volturi rules, apparently) and she tells the Volturi.  The Cullens and other vampires prepare to fight the Volturi, but when the Volturi come nothing happens.  Bella finds out in the third part of the book that she has shield powers.

  19. Omg hahhaha LOL at the question and at the guys crack me up!!

    Jacob imprints on the polar bear..omg hahahha!

    Obviously she doesn't..who would believe this?!

    Just read the book seriously.I loved it.

  20. No and if that had happened I would personally write a letter to Stephenie Meyer and curse her out.

    You should read it but it ended happily with Bella, Edward, and newborn baby all smiles.

  21. SPOILER:

    No. While Bella does get turned into a newborn vampire, the Cullens/Bella do NOT go to Alaska at all. At least, mentioned in the book. So whatever you read/heard is bull. :/

  22. Yes. Bella is eaten and Jake takes over the narration. He approaches Edward and says he's sorry Bella is dead. The book ends with Edward and Jacob in a tight embrace.

  23. Haha, that is funny, but incorrect

    . They have a beautiful wedding scene, jacob shows up and is ok with it, they go on the honeymoon and do "it", then bella gets sick and ends up pregnant and calls rosalie for help because they want to keep it but everyone else doesn't. then part of it is told from jacobs prospective, he leaves the pack and starts his own. Seth and leah join him, he checks in on Bella's pregnancy which is going fast, and also the baby needs blood to survive, not food. Jacob helps deliver the baby with edward, which is a girl, Renesmee. Jacob ends up imprinting on the baby. The story switches to bella point of view again. She isn't strong enough to survive the pregnancy so edward turns her into a vampire. She adapts like and expert, not like a young vampire should, she acts like edward, doesnt kill anyone and is very responsible. her talent is self-control, thats why she doesn't crave humans. She hunts well. She sees renesmee for the first time since the change and "nessie" has a power, she is the opposite of edward. Nessie shows you her thoughts by touching her cheek. Every cullen is overjoyed to have her there, especially jacob and rosalie, but nessie doesnt show up in alices vision, because she is half human, half mortal. Nessie and bella were hunting and irina shows up to make a truths, but sees nessie and tells the volturi about the danger. Bella gets a gift from the volturi, and they hope to see her soon. Alice gets a vision which shows the volturi, about 37 of them coming to the cullens for a fight, because the cullens are raising a baby that is not allowed, they think that nessie is a full vampire (in the past raising baby vampire got bad, they didnt keep the secret). After the vision, alice leaves the cullens for some unknown reason. So the cullens split up and try to find all of their vamp friends to come to the house and be introduced to nessie so that way they can vouch for the cullens and say it isnt an all vampire baby. The cullens get all of their friends from all over the world at the house and they all believe and side with the cullens. On another note, charlie wants to visit bella, and finds out jacob is a werewolf, and bella is somekind of creature, he just doesnt know what. meanwhile, bella learns she has a power, which is a shield that she can stretch with her mind to protect the people under the shield, though during these practices she doesnt get the shield very far. also, she is learning how to fight against the volturi, just in case it comes to that. Alice left a clue for bella which has the name J. Jenks written down. Bella visits him and gets birth certficates and passports for nessie and jacob. She wants them to escape the fight and go to rio de jenario. Every vampire gets prepared on the clearing and the volturi show up. They listen to the witness about the baby and are ok with nessie living, she isnt a threat, but they can be for sure until they konw her future. Alice and jasper show up with another half vamp half human and say that nessies future will be okay. alice brings the boy to aro and the boy explains he is just like nessie and harmless. Aro accepts that and lets nessie live. It is reavealed that the real reason the volturi came was to destroy the cullens because they have gotten to powerful. Jane and alec start to attack as well as the other volturi, but it doesnt work because now bellas shield is big enough to cover all the cullens and the witnesses. the volturi leave with out a fight and all is well. no one gets hurt and bella saves the day.

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