
Does Bermuda Grass Grow In Northeast Kansas?

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i'm doing a report for my college class, and we are testing different samples of grass. before going off and searching the textbooks, i wanted to see if anyone knew here. Bermuda grass is also known as St. Augustine Grass.




  1. I could be wrong, but I think it is one that will grow anywhere. Good Luck.

  2. You can't kill Bermuda grass. Roots can go as deep as 3 foot. The stringers it puts off will grow up through a crack in concrete. Come on over to Southwest Kansas and I'll send you home with a boat load. The only thing good about Bermuda is if it starts to die a little water will bring it back. And no bare spots!

  3. Before you start your project do the research first.

    I believe the two or separate grasses.  Same family but different grasses.

    There are several varieties of St. Augustine


    This link will give you an idea of the bermuda grass pastures in the US

    It will grow farther north I live in zone 6 and I work hard to kill the stuff in my garden.


    WARNING: an ingredient in many weed/feed products (2,4-D) designed for cool-season grasses, (((Bermuda)))) and (((Bahiagrass,)))((( can kill St. Augustine grass.)))

    Any herbicides applied that will

    kill bermuda will also kill st augustine since they both belong to the same

    class of plants. Your only option is to kill everything and start over.

  4. Bermuda grass is NOT the same as St.Augustine grass

    And it won't survive a Nebraska winter

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