
Does Biking uphill make your legs massive?

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Hey y'all. I bike every day for about an hour, but I live in the middle of nowhere, and the only way to bike is uphill. Basically I'm on the side of a mountain. I really don't want big huge bulky legs, I just want a nicely toned body. I've noticed a difference in my tummy and the overall firmness of my legs, but I don't want it to get to a point where I look really awkwardly proportioned (thighs=HUGE) And I'm not hardcore enough to keep going after every hill, I usually stop for a min after to stretch my legs and then keep on peddling. Is it all good?? Or do I have to worry??

Thanks :)




  1. The dedicated woman cyclists I meet do not have huge "Popeye" thighs. Cycling will strengthen and tone your muscles, not make them large. You will like what it does for your legs and butt. Keep your cadence fairly high by selecting powerful gears. It not only helps you get up the hills, but it also reduces the strain on your knees and is good for your aerobic development, too.

    These changes will not happen overnight. Be patient. You will like the results.


  2. Pedaling at a low cadence will build muscles.  What you want to do do is pedal at a high cadence 70-90 rpms. You want to pedal fast with low pressure on the pedals and you wont have to stop as often.  Higher cadence will tone your legs and wont make them big.

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