
Does Bill Clinton need to be out claiming he isn't racist?

by Guest60054  |  earlier

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It seems like he's taken it a little too personally. Just my opinion though. Not many reasonable people would suggest his remark about Obama winning South Carolina was racist. He was simply wrong and insensitive. Do people get that distinction? Or is anything incorrect that happens to involve the subject of race a racist comment?

Is saying "Jesse Jackson won in South Carolina" as a way of implying, "Obama only won because of the black vote" racist? Or is it just incorrect and a little insensitive?

What do you think of the fact that Bill still seems a little hung up over this?




  1. Bill does seem very sensitive to this issue and he does not need to publicly acclaim that he is not a racist. It seems that Bill has gotten hung up on how people define racism. To make a negative comment about a person's character does not necessarily reflect on the person's race. They are two entirely different aspects of a person. It's unfortunate that in our politically correct society  some people can't separate them out.

  2. Bill needs to star in some p**n flicks, and get it out of his system.

  3. Believe me, I was one that can not stand Bill Clinton but he was wrong Jessie Jackson did not even win in S. Carolina though he did do pretty good. I don't think that Bill was making a racist remark what he was doing was to make excuses for Hillary's poor showing.

    OMG, I can't believe that I defended Slick Willy, but the truth must always win.

  4. I have never really liked Bill Clinton, but I think what is going on is.  He has always considered himself to be open minded and very anti-racist.  So when he actually said something publicly that could be taken  as a racist comment, it upset him.

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