
Does Blood Work Hurt?

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I have to get blood work done and am really scared on a scale of 0-10 ten being horrible 0 being a pinch how would you rate it?




  1. Blood work is actually all the lab tests they do on your blood after it is drawn....  whay you will experience is nothing more that a sharp pinch or a pin poke, but only once.  it is probably a 1-2 on a 10 scale.  Unfortunately, the more you worry about it, the worse it will seem.  So the obvious answer is???   You will be fine... don't worry about.

    Hope that helps.  Peace

  2. It's all in your head. Sometimes when your talking or chatting with the doctor they are doing it and you don't even notice. When you freak yourself out you fool yourself into thinking it's more painful than it actually is. Don't look and just relax and it will be over in a flash.

  3. Incredibly painful! You won' believe how bad it is until they stab you with the needle. They don't just prick you, but they have to shove it in the vein to ensure it doesn't slip out. No matter what anyone tells you about it not being that bad, they're just being kind and trying to calm your fears. In reality, not only does it hurt like h**l, but if you get an idiot nurse who misses the vein - they have to do it again!!!

    P. S. Just kidding - it's a breeze.

  4. Don't be scared. It'll be worse if you're scared.

    It's really not that bad if it's just normal blood work. You can talk to your doctor and see if they can give you cream you can put on before hand to numb the area.

    But I really don't think that'll be needed. I'm not sure what you think allot of pain is, but it's just a pinch, then it's over. I'd give it a 0-3. Three only if you are very sensitive.
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