
Does Bob Costas not consider racing or more specifically Nascar a sport?

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I just notice that he never seems to cover the sport on his radio show.




  1. Well, he started out with baseball, then football.

    He is a good reporter, five Emmy's in a row prove that.

    But I think he is limited in his knowledge of sports outside the range of college sports. How many colleges have racing teams? But they all have baseball, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, etc

    He does not stick his opinion where he has no knowledge.

  2. Because Bob Costas is King of the Trolls!!

  3. He is a stick and ball fan.There are more than auto racing he does not consider sports,including rodeo,fishing,shooting,archery....

    So just consider the fact he likes sweaty jock staps.

  4. I think he is just not very interested, or very knowledgeable about it.  I dont know if he considers it a sport, it seems not


    bob costas sucks

  6. If that's true, then Bob Costa sucks.

  7. Bob Costas covers games, not sports. There are hundreds of games, but only 3 sports...bullfighting, motorsports, and mountain climbing. In games there are time-outs and other breaks in the action; not so in sports. Life and death do not come into play in games, only the three true sports.

  8. He would rather cover golf

  9. He's simply a stick and ball guy.

    What's ironic is he played the race announcer named 'Bob Cutlass' in the movie CARS!

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