
Does Bolt have a genuine shot at breaking the 200m record?

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Its a very good record... but he still looks like hes got more in the tank. What do you guys think?




  1. sure if he wants to though, he cud have easily taken down a tenth of second in his 100m if he hadn't eased up. he said rite after the race that for him it wasn't about the world record just as long as he got gold. so do i believe he can break the record: yes, but i have doubts that he will do it simply because he'll ease up and he can't break the 200m record by easing up as he did in the 100m

  2. Of course, you saw how easily he won that gold medal and broke a record?

  3. Oui.  Tu sais, qu'il n'est pas Français ni Européan.  

  4. Who knows. We'll all have to wait and see.

  5. He definitely have a good chance but I think it won't happen in this Olympics. The reason is because I think he doesn't want it to happen now  and only want to go for the double(100m and 200m) or his personal best is around 3 sec of Michael Johnson record. He is still young so plenty of time to break that one.

  6. Bolt is an animal. I bet he breaks every record going. He hasn't run all out for an entire race yet. He will be a house hold name soon enough.

    Usain Bolt is the land version of Michael Phelps.

  7. if he really wants to....bolts doesnt seem to be like that phelps guy who is too obsessed with being the best

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