
Does Braces Hurt While Taking Them Off Or Maybe Them On Or tightening them?

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I just want to know to be clear because I'm getting them on the 22 of September




  1. yes after tightening them

    they hurt badd.

    but idk about taking them off

    i have them on

  2. Yes to be honest the will be very sore for a while. But that will go away after a while. But when you have them adjusted they will again be sore. But you can take ibuprofen and it will help.

  3. while taking them out it will not hurt but tightening it will hurt, depending on how tight.

  4. tightening them will hurt. it just feels sore and uncomfortable. if you take some tylenol or something you will be fine. it does not hurt getting them removed. they just pop off each bracket and set you on your way

  5. Weird. I'm getting them off on the 22nd.

    They don't hurt at all when you get them on, because it's like a bendy wire. It will be uncomfortable though cause your lips aren't used to it. Your gums might be torn a little, wax helps this. Tightening them won't hurt too much, until the day after. Taking them off do hurt a little, some brackets are a little more resistant than others. My ortho took two off cause they were crooked. One hurt and the other I didn't feel at all.

    My teeth have changed so much and I'm grateful for the procedure. It was definitely worth it.

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