
Does Bristol's baby daddy know he's getting married soon?????????? ?

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Shotgun style!

More conservative value?

Neglect your children, and then force them into an under age partnership to forward your own political ambitions.




  1. i don't know how to answer this other than even before this announcement i don't know what mccain was thinking picking her, if it's to sway female voters it'll only slightly work.

  2. Just found out today.

  3. I think he just found out a few hours ago..

  4. All we know is that the father of Bristol's baby is much older and his middle name is Sidney.

  5. You're not helping Obama's campaign. After all Obama's parents had a wedding shotgun style. (Married Feb 1961, Barack Jr born Aug 1961)

  6. 1. how old were you when you first had s*x [assuming your not the 40 year old virgin]

    2. i believe the boy asked her to marry him and isnt being forced into anything

    3.when will you liberals stop focusing on things that dont matter to the election, and start focusing on the politcs?

  7. holy c**p what a white trash family! typical hyperchristian idiots acting like they belong in a trailer park.

    "idiocracy" is happening much faster than we feared.

    if any of you vote for this garbage, you've got blood on your hands. you're only helping to make the world much worse.

  8. What does this have to do with politics?

  9. [Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich voiced sympathy for the Palin family during a newsmaker session with USA TODAY and Gannett News Service. "I expect it will nave no negative impact" on the McCain presidential campaign, Gingrich said.]

    If he thinks it will have "no negative effect", why is he voicing "sympathy"?

  10. I totally agree with your statement.  Sure it's nice and dandy that the "grandparents" are so supportive of their daugther.  But what were they doing before that let her get in trouble.  I can tell you that I grew up in a much more liberal time, but I didn't get pregnant until the right time.  This means after high school, after college and after starting my career.  I thought that was the "right" way to do it.  Just because you're so pro-family doesn't mean that starting one before you are an adult is the "right" thing to do.  I have to say that I'm more than shocked.  If I lived in her neighborhood, I would not allow my kids to go over to her house for a playdate.

  11. This is a non-issue in politics.  Does it make sense that demeaning Palin's daughter would in any way help Obama?  I think even he is man enough to leave this alone.


  12. No, but I wonder if he has to buy his new wife a ring or if she will just keep her purity ring on....I think if he knew he was getting married he would have either got married or ran off by now. He will probably just been known as her fiance' for ever that is what most republicans do.

  13. Hahahaha i was wondering if Palin went ahead and said he was going to marry her without talking with him

  14. right on brotha...view my question and give your opinion..i have a feeling you will get the best;...

  15. Well, there's two  possibilities here.

    First, he may be over 18. In which case he's a legal adult--and if he has the brains God promised a goat, he will get as far away from the Palins as humanly possible. Certainly not marry Bristol.

    If he's under 18 and I were his father, he wouldn't marry her.  I woudl not permit him to throw his life away on marrying a tramp.

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