
Does Burger king drug test employees?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna get a job at burger king and i donno if i have to pass a drug test to get it. also if any one knows any places that dont drug test that would help too




  1. it depends wht country are you at. in my country they do since we need a medical certificate before they employ us

  2. It depends where you live....normally no

  3. i do not kno but maybe

  4. i don't know but if your in drugs bro cut it out. give your life to jesus! and you will never get scared of drug test. god bless you!

  5. I would hope so, cause I defintly don't want some drughead cooking my food.

  6. I think all restaurant workers need a medical certificate, so yes.

  7. Ours doesn't in Akron, ex worked their and I know he wasn't drug free.

  8. depends on where ur at... but most dont...

  9. i dont think burger king does...they hire all kinds of losers that do drugs..

  10. wait a second...are you implying that you used to raise gorillas...?

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