
Does Bush really want to develop alternative fuels or is he just stalling for the big oil companies?

by Guest56134  |  earlier

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I will greatly appreciate any heartfelt answers.




  1. His is just presidential year politics and how they manipulate the media with fluff stores that make the masses feel better while they hide the hard issues that are important to all of us. As long as the oil oligopoly are in charge, we'll have high oil prices.

  2. Can we all agree the Europeans are far more into the whole "global warming" and "alternative fuel" thing than we are in the US?  

    That being the case after 10+ years of tax increases and European government pressure on the people what has been accomplished?

    That is right nothing, according to the global warming crowd the world is still coming to and end.  Europe uses more gas now than they did 10 years ago and it all costs more.

    The question that no one seems to be asking is why don't we drill the oil we know we have, bring the price down by adding more oil to the market.  

    A car that runs on anything other than gas will only be popular when the market decides it can meet their travel needs and it is more cost effective.

    Everyone is talking about taking the profits way from oil companies but will anyone want to give them money if they start posting losses?  There are a very long list of companies that have higher profit margins than the oil companies should we take there profits away too?

    We live in a free market every time we tell the oil companies they can't drill for oil here they have to buy it some place else or there is just less of it available and that will make the price go up.

    It is not up to our government to develop alternative fuels we should be doing that in the private sector.


    MR. SPACE 493    YOU DO LIVE IN THE OUTER SPACE WITH YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT EUROPE  you need to get your facts in order  yes they do as a whole use more gas

    now but this is because of the eastern europe  are buying cars now  which before where bicycles   i could give you a  lot more but you are just another blabbermouth  just like  BUSH

  4. Space493 makes an intelligent argument for oil drilling in the U.S., but I respectfully disagree with his conclusion. The example cited about European gas problems, actually argues for the futility of drilling as a solution. High European prices have not reduced demand, just placed an economic burden on the working guy. Consumption habits have not changed.

    In responding to the asker: No, Bush pays lip service to the question of alternative fuels without having a notion of what to do about it.

    And for both the asker and space 493, the government indeed could have a role in the struggle to find alternatives. They could subsidise a "Manhattan Project" bringing together the best and the brightest from appropriate scientific fields and assisting them in research and development. The government could offer every oil company economic incentives to help fund such a project. The government could encourage reseach on how to dispose of spent fuel rods, making nuclear power a viable option again. Both short term and long term, there are many things which could be done by government to relieve the economic pressure created by dependence on fossil fuels. But, creative, innovative, out-of-the-box thinking will not come from this administration; it requires a sea change. There is not enough brain power in the Bush/Cheney group to keep a night light burning.

    Things will continue to get worse for a while. Permanent solutions will take 10 to 15 years to get on line. Short term relief is possible with the next administration, but more of the same, more drilling, more refineries, more oil,more gas is not a rational response. It's long past time to deal with the permanent problem with a creative, innovative, permanent solution. America can do this. The greatest minds in the world, the most progressive society in the world, can figure this out. what is needed is leadership and committment, and therefore, a new administration.

  5. I thought Bush was President of the United States, I didn't know he was a chemical engineer?

    He must be a truly amazing person if he has the ability to develop alternative energy.

    I thought that was left to the scientists and engineers and not to the politicians.

  6. i dont think he's going to do anything.  he is trying to make some more money before he leaves the white house.  he's just giving us high hopes for something, just to let us down in the end.  if Bush really wanted to do something, it would be done already.  it's his fault in the first place.

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