
Does Buying Carbon Credits really help save the Planet?

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6 get it 2 do not a 3-1 ratio. I figured the tree huggers would be defendin this issue to the hilt.

This is nothing but getting money from rich people or people with a little means to a govt agency.

Buying credits does nothing but as one person wrote 'cap' production so that less is made, costs go up and then the tree huggers can "feel" good about saving the planet.




  1. no, it goes to an organazation that then gets rich

  2. The is a lot of fraud in the carbon credit business, and it is not clear that the projects, like planting trees, have any positive effect.  See:

    On the other hand, buying renewable energy (aka "green" energy)  using solar and wind is straightforward to document and audit.

    Carbon credits allow the "haves" to continue to consume in a big way and not feel guilty about it.

  3. yes it does.  by giving that money to companies that make products that reduce carbon, or use less, etc.

    now, you being the "GOVERNMENT IS ROBBING ME BLIND" type, will of course think that al gore gets all the money.

    not true, but that's okay, clap your hands over your ears, close your eyes and yell, "THEY'RE ROBBING US BLIND".

    it's not like you're going to be part of the solution anyway.

  4. son, my daddy always sez, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    now stop it with this enviromentalist stuff boi, grab yourself a root beer!

  5. Absolutely not!  It's a scam.

  6. No. The money goes to big organizations and people like Al Gore.

  7. Some people actually feel so guilty from existing on earth that they are willing to be scammed by anyone that will make their sense of guilt go away by "selling" then carbon credits.

    Pssst. Hey Buddy... I got a deal for you. I got a million carbon credits all for you for just 10 thousand bucks.

  8. sure it helps cap the amount of carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere

  9. No and don't believe the farce that it would cap how much carbon can be produced either.

  10. Buying carbon credits just keeps you busy writing checks so you can watch your bank account get smaller, while Uncle Al's gets bigger.  It does nothing to stop pollution and it only punishes people for using modern conveniences.  Carbon credits do absolutely nothing for the environment.  

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