OK, a few weeks ago before the end of term an ex-tory politician came in to school to speak about climate change. He told us that when we put CO2 into the air it takes 150 to take effect, so, he said, the warming we are currently seeing is due to the CO2 we (Britain, that is) put into the atmosphere 150 years ago.
He said that if that relatively small increase in CO2 caused such a large in temperature, then imagine what will happen 150 years from now when the CO2 we are currently putting into the atmosphere takes effect.
Now when I heard this, I heard alarm bells going off in my head, because it made no physical sense to me that CO2 should just hang around in the atmosphere doing nothing for 150 years and then take effect.
So my question is, is what he said true, and if not, how long does it take to take effect or is it immediate.
The only reason I can think of that he might have got it wrong is that he mistook the time CO2 stays in the atmosphere before returning to the ground via plants etc.
Please provide citations etc.