
Does CVS pharmacy call the prescriber if I bring in a prescription for pain killers, like oxycodone HCL 30mg?

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I have a prescription for Oxycodone HCL 30mg. I was just wondering if the pharmacist at CVS will call the Doctor who prescribed it to me. For like verification purposes




  1. I would not suggest messing with the script. There are specific dosing and refill amounts. This how people usually get caught, and a pharmacist can tell when you have tampered with a script or wrote it out yourself.

  2. That is a pharmacist dependent thing.  If I know the prescriber, and it looks normal, than I probably won't call.  If things don't look right or I don't know the prescriber than I'm more apt to verify.

  3. It is required by law  if the prescription appears altered in any fashion or form. They are obligated by law and most states now keep records on all prescription schedule II drugs that are filled.  Don't mess with forged script.  It is a felony charge.

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