
Does Camilla's non appearance appear more a slap in the face of Prince William & Harry than ignoring Diana?

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Does Camilla's non appearance appear more a slap in the face of Prince William & Harry than ignoring Diana?




  1. It's shameful that she is even there.  I suppose it's normal for the English royalty to have the ho of the reigning Prince to step in when the wife dies.  Talk about not respecting the dead.

  2. I think shes done the right thing by not going.her being there would(in my opinion)put things  out of kilter because of her adultery

  3. Camilla was invited and originally accepted.  Then 'some people' (they said that one the News) discussed it with her, and she discussed it with William and Harry.

    Apparently the lads understood, and accepted that if Camilla DID attend, people would focus on her being there, instead of turning all of their thoughts to Diana, who was actually the focus of the Memorial.

    Besides the fact that the invitation OUGHT to have been discussed BEFORE it was publicly accepted, I think that Camilla's decision to stay away was the right one.

  4. no i think she was thinking of the Princes when she made her decision not to attend

  5. Yes. She showed their mother no respect whilst she was  alive, the least she could do would be to show a little now by attending.

  6. She said that she did not want to distract from the true reason of the honor DIANA..... And since many people blamed her for the split between Diana and Charles i think that she made a very appropriate decision because the press would have gone crazy if she went!

  7. Had she gone there would have been a back lash, she didn't go and there's a back lash. She couldn't win no matter what she did, but I think the decision for her not to go was the right thing.

  8. She should never have been invited.Imagine if your dad had an affair with another woman during there marriage.They divorced your mam died would you expect your step mother to go to the funeral knowing how your mam felt about her?.I for one would not it was stupid asking her & Diana would have turned in her Grave especially if they did murder her.

  9. no, i think she had the choice, but given the circumstances she felt it innapropriate to be there.

  10. Yes!! She was invited by the princes to attend.  If they didn't want her there they would not have done so.  Queenie probably stopped her from going!!

  11. Camilla's problem is she will always play second fiddle to an Icon of Diana.    Camilla is dammed if she does and dammed if she doesn't.  

    I personally think it was more respectful and would draw less attention for her to not attend rather than for her to be sittting there standing out in one of those hats that all the royal women seem to have to wear.

    I feel that this was most probably discussed at length and decided not on the spur of the moment but after great thought by Camilla, Prince Charles, the Queen, advisors, and possibly even the Prime Minister.    

    If you like, perhaps an official inquiry could be conducted into the matter.   But, the fact remains, one woman died and we can't bring her back.

  12. No don't think so at all.  They had to invite her as she's their stepmother (sadly) but she has at last done something right and declined.  How on earth could she have gone to the memorial service of the woman she hurt so much by cheating on with her husband.

  13. No it's a slap in the face for the public, because its like these people holding up a banner saying ' har har you lot are so thick you'll believe any old cr*p we put out'.

    The whole thing is a pantomime - they 'had' to invite her because she's their Dad's wife, and she 'had' to decline because her presence would be unthinkable and everyone knew it, including the merry Princes. All done for public consumption.

    The royal family may be thick and uneducated but they have droves of wrinkled retainers and shelves full of books on so-called royal protocol.

    The accepted form is that mistresses don't go to the wife's funeral and a memorial service is basically the same. To be absolutely 'correct' they should never have invited her in the first place, but these people have learned the hard way to have one eye on the Daily Mail. Looks like the plan worked, eh!

  14. I agree with the ones that said "she was damned if she went and damned if she didn't. The poor woman probably didn't know what to do. She already is criticized and put down, and called all kinds of cruel names. If she went it would of been all over the headlines of how she had the gall to show her ugly face at the honoring of the woman who's marriage she destroyed. She would of been put down even more.  I give her credit for showing respect. I for one am happy that her and Charles are finally together and happy.

  15. if she was my horse i would have her put down

  16. The word on the street is that Charles wanted her to attend (as his wife and the boys' step mother), the boys were surely never going to refuse their father's wishes, and the palace went along with Charles rather than have an opinion of their own.  It was Diana's close friends who started a campaign to have Camilla stay away as it is indelicate, to say the least, to have the person who is widely regarded as the spoiler of the first marriage at a memorial for the first wife.

    Those who say she couldn't win either way may be right but she chose to take this route - I am sure she is wise enough to know it will never be an easy one.

  17. TBH I think she should have been there.  It just looks disrespectful for her not to attend.  As if she's deliberately snubbing Diana's memory.

    By atending she'd have at least shown respect and that the differences between them are now laid to rest.

  18. Who cares?

  19. This is one of the classiest things Camilla could have done. As the "other woman" she has no place in the memorial of Diana, whose marriage she destroyed. The Royal (Pain-In-The-A**) Family and Charles in particular, used Diana to produce children, nothing more, while pretending that this was a REAL marriage. There are some who contend that Diana was more English and Royal in her lineage than the Windsors.

  20. i dont go much on her but if she turned up she would have been ridiculed and moaned about and still not turning up she has had the same it was her decision whatever she did wouldnt have been right so she just had to do what she thougt best

    if someone like me or you didnt turn up for such an event it would go unnoticed or chalked down to our preferance so i think the same should go for people in the public view

    they still human like us (well some of them are lol)

  21. She has shown a great deal of tact, just as she has ever since her marriage to Prince Charles.

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