
Does Canada consider the US to be a friend or an enemy?

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I'm talking about politics, not sports or culturally.




  1. if its politically i think yes. not saying we are with usa in the war just saying we are friends. and in the other way non political i think no. i know many fellow canadians who hate america.

  2. Although my passport identifies me as a Canadian, I see myself as a citizen of the world and have no enemies. Thus, I am unaware of such distinctions as you describe.

  3. We are always good friends, no matter which government is in power in either country.

  4. I just went to Canada on vacation. The PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, I would think, consider us friends. As to Quebec and the others, who knows. The places I visited really liked us, and our tourist money. But then again, not the tourist money... we didn't do the normal tourist stuff. We did our own program, and everybody NOT on the normal tourist track liked us.

  5. We're not sure yet - depends who you elect in November.

  6. I always get the impression that the Harper government consider the USA friends (like all friends, they do bicker over various things from time to time).

  7. they definitely consider us friends, more than half of the United States imports are from Canada, and we export to them plenty, we have a codependancy on each other in that sense

  8. Are you american?  Umm overall I think we consider the US to be a friend... although many Canadians think Americans are stuck up and arrogant.

  9. They hate the US because we have all the cars and they have all the parking space.

  10. The Conservatives con cider them to be a friend.  The Liberals switch between friend and enemy whenever it is convenient.

  11. Politically, we consider the US a friend (with benefits).

  12. *Politically speaking only*

    Many (if not most) Canadians are not happy with the war in Iraq. Most of us want nothing to do with it (as does the rest of the world), and we resent the fact that ignorant terrorists now lump us in with the U.S. simply because we share a land mass.

    Terrorists were planning to bomb 7 planes in 2006, including 2 Canadian flights. Even though they said that they "hated Americans and Britons", they automatically assume we are with America on the war because we are neighbours. This is not true. We are there for "rebuilding" only (largely due to peer pressure I suspect), and can't wait to pull the h**l out. We are trying to as we speak, hopefully by 2009. Harper wants to pull out.

    I think before we used to see the U.S. as an ally, a business trading partner, and a nice place to visit. We did not agree with certain things the U.S. did, but we turned a blind eye (unlike Terrorists). Now, we just see the U.S. as a bully, with a fear mongering incompetent President. No offense to the questioner, but this is how *most* of the world sees the U.S.

    This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but as a Canadian, this is truth. Few people will admit it though. Some will. It's nothing personal, but most of us do not support the war. Canadians are not like Americans, and I resent that my country may be wrongly attacked simply because we are mistakenly thought to be as such. Nothing personal.

    Politically speaking, it's a love/hate co-dependent relationship. Can't (happily and contently) live with them...can't live without them...

    We're "frienemies"... ;)

  13. Next door neighbours. They aren't going to move so you need to keep it civil.

    However all the "neighbour rules" come into play: keep your yard under control, mend the fence if necessary, and ask politely before interfering with next door's trees.......

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