
Does Canada have a high crime rate?

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Does Canada have a high crime rate?




  1. not really. obviously it could be better, but we're lucky compared to the united states. provincially, the highest crime rate is in saskatchewan. the lowest is ontario. the city with the highest crime rate is saskatoon. unless you live in a big city, you don't really have to worry about it.

  2. The Canadian US bashers are off the mark.

    Canada has an overall higher violent crime rate than the US.

    Follow the link.

    While murder may be higher in the US than Canada

    You have a greater chance of being raped in Canada than the US

    Having your car stolen

    or being a victim of a burglary

  3. In this day and age, there are no guarantees. Today, there was a murder on a Greyhound bus in the prairies for Pete's weird is like I say there is no real safe place for sure, although the cities are usually the worst.  Just be careful and always be on the alert if you are travelling alone

  4. Yes, it's very dangerous in Canada. I never go out alone at night, and during the day I keep the doors and windows locked. You never know what kind of whacko will break in; it may have something to do with our loose gun laws. Everyone is packing, and it is a guarantee that every car going down the road has a handgun in the glove box.

    Whatever you do, don't come to Canada.

    nah im joking. its not bad. low crime in alot of areas

  5. Canada is extremely low 0.0149063 per 1,000 people  when compared to Colombia 0.617847 per 1,000 people or South Africa 0.496008 per 1,000 people.  

  6. No.

  7. i thought it was pretty low. not 2 many crimes, but i dont live there.

  8. No Its Very Low They Still Have Cereal Killers & Robbers & Rapist

    But Not Much They Have One Of The Lowest

  9. We're WAAY lower than the United States.

    The highest crime city would probably be Toronto.

    I'm not really sure though. It's just personal experience from living in Canada.

    A site I found about crime rates. t's really good. : ]

    No offence to people in the States. It's probably because we're a big land with not many people, while the U.S. has like, waaay people.

  10. I don't think any country is as high as the good old USA. Woo hoo way to go USA and yes I am from the USA. It's really embarrasssing.

  11. its worse than mexico

  12. No I live in Ontario.

    Of course crime still happens here just like any other place on the planet but its very very low generally.

    Toronto can be pretty bad in some places I'll admit that.

    Its pretty good except for when you get up around the Toronto area, I mean as long as you don't start butting into someone elses business its fine for the most part.

    Ontario is one of the best provinces throughout Canada.

    Quebec has to be the next best, some places in Montreal can be iffy just like Toronto but there's places like that.

    Its REALLY low though unless you don't mind your own business or get into a bad neighborhood.

    Normally someone won't just come up and shoot you though.

  13. Compared to the U.S. not really. The deaths from guns in canada is WAY WAY less than deaths caused from guns in the U.S.  

  14. It's brutal.

    Nice, Kevin C.  Gee, I wish I could have thought of an answer like that.

  15. Here are two links for you to compare and determine for yourself.

  16. in some areas, kinda depends

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