
Does Canada have a strong army?

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Does Canada have a strong army?




  1. No, but at least they are a part of NATO and snuggled up against the United States (whish means they are less likely to be attacked because of that fact).  Canada can spend its $ on health care, while the U.S. spends its $ on defending the world.  

  2. They do have an Army and they have deployed to a number of hot spots around the world.

    They do not have a need to be as large as the United States military. Used completely differently and if there ever was a need I am sure both nations would be behind the other in support.

  3. yes, stronger than anyone. and they still ride horses. like mongols.

  4. i wouldnt go as far as to say they have a strong army. they have a decent army

  5. In Canada, There is no need for a huge army, we dont start wars. but our govt has indeed put funding into our forces. our army just keeps the peace. no question that our solidiers are strong, but with regards to equptiment and the amount of troops we have are not as much as the US.

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