
Does Cardboard contain fiber?

by  |  earlier

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lol. im not sure where i saw this, a commercial i think. is it true?




  1. I have heard that before, but idk. I dont think I would wana eat it. lol

  2. Yes.

    It is constructed almost entirely of cellulose. That is the principle component of dietary fiber that people require.

    Do not attempt to eat it though. That cellulose, mostly wood, is not in a form that we can assimilate. Also, there are various toxic chemicals added.

  3. Who knows, I doubt it tastes very nice though, imagine... cardboard soup, cardboard cereal, cardboard dinner for 1 (I'm going a bit over my head aren't I)

  4. lots of it

  5. i wonder if you would p**p toilet paper o.O

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