
Does Carlo Gambino (mafia leader) have a relative named Gary Gambino?

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Gary Gambino aged 62, has a wife named Maria, twin daughters in their 20's. Any info would be appreciated.




  1. It's doubtful. He only had 2 sons and none of their kids or grandkids are named Gary. He had one brother (Jasper) and Jasper's line doesn't include anyone named Gary. His only cousins who came to the US were the Castellanos...and his wife was one of them. Yes, he married his first cousin. So I guess it's remotely possible that he was accidentally left off all the records and out of the obituaries, but the probability is a little on the low side.

  2. Without more information (Gary's parents, where does his family live, etc.) i dont think anyone will be able to know conclusively.

    Try looking at the Gambino message board on Rootsweb

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