
Does Carlsberg really do pre-season results?

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Rangers fans must be absolutely gutted tonight and judging by the responses from some of them, they want rid of Walter and Ally. Did they not reach a major Euro final last year? Were they not going for the quadruple? Was Watty not awarded a knighthood?

Rangers fans fickle, who knew?

Walter must




  1. aren't the celtic fans the one's who wanted gordon's head on a platter a few months ago and then celtic win the league then it's like he is a god to everyone again!!!

    We are fickle yes but no different to any other football fan and I for one don't want rid of walter and ally yet even though I am gutted about the result.

  2. fickle fans everywhere..i seem to remember gordon strachan and his team being booed most of last season..haven't called for walters head ..yet..but no team plays to be runners up do they

  3. Spot on I'll drink to that.

  4. oracle,dont know about carlsberg i feel as if i have been hit by an iceberg..carry on gloating mate you are one of the celtic fans i can stomach a slagging from

  5. I think too FEW European games could cost Rangers the league this season...

  6. Ill drink to that mate!!  

  7. they would be justified in wanting rid of Walter...I have said before and will say again ask any Everton fan and they will tell you all about him

  8. honestly thought it would take a bit beat helicopter thursday but this has been a great beginning to the season from a celtic point of view.

    here's the get walter out petition courtesy of follow follow

    it may have been hijacked though

  9. Haha - i've had few G+T's tonight after that result!

  10. as always,you speak wisely my friend :)

    hail hail

  11. Apparently they do. but then all good things come packed in green and white.

  12. i seem to remember a few people calling for wgs head during last season too what happened there? they calm down but Saturday unless they get beat at the weekend

  13. Yeah for sure,

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